Volume 1 Chapter 18 – System Error

 Lynett After meeting Yoko and Harri, mother started to ask a lot of questions. Where were they from? How old were they? What did they do for a living? How did we meet? For how long have I known them? I mostly answered the same way I did with everyone else: they are a foreign couple that I happened to …

Volume 1 Chapter 17 – Meeting

 Harri   “So, can you hear them? What are they saying? Don’t stay so silent, I also want to know!” “Shut up, Harri. How am I supposed to concentrate if you keep talking?” It’s been a few minutes since the Creator left, after being summoned by the Lord of this place. Since we had nothing better to do, we decided …

Volume 1 Chapter 16 – Deal

 Lynett   Ah~! What a nice weather we are having today! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and not a single cloud in the sky. A perfect summer day. “Mother f****** asshole! I’m going to murder you! I’m jealous of the people who had the chance NOT to meet you! Your existence itself is a joke, a proof …

Volume 1 Chapter 15 – Suspicions

 Lynett   BAM! Now left alone with Harri and Yoko, the sound of my head slamming against the table resonated in the room. “You guys are unbelievable…” I muttered, exhausted by everything that just happened. “Thank you!” Harri happily answered. “It wasn’t a compliment. And to think I am the one who needs to clean your mess…” “What? What’s wrong? …

Volume 1 Chapter 14 – Visit

 Lynett   Umh… How did this happen? Currently, I am in one of the waiting room of the Whiteheart mansion. The room was spacious, but not too empty. Pictures sprawled on each walls, depicting beautiful landscapes and, underneath, a cream carpet covered almost the whole room. In the center, there was a large and elegant table, made of a high …

Volume 1 Chapter 13 – Unusual Trio

Lynett “Y-You traitor!” Ah… I want to go home already.  Why do I have to resolve the disputes of two Gods who are a thousand times older than me? I feel like a mother who has to put an end to a siblings’ fight… which is not entirely false actually. But seriously. Are those two really partially responsible of the World’s …

Volume 1 Chapter 12 – Territory Issue

 Lynett   There was a time when I was stupid and naïve. Back then, I still believed in Prince Charming. I thought that one day, he would come to me, riding a white unicorn, and that he would bring me in a wonderful land. Together, we would be living in a garden filled with roses. Everything would be pink. The …

Volume 1 Chapter 11 – Troublemaker

 Lynett   “Friend…?” In front of me, there is a dumbfounded Goddess. “Yeah. Friend.” I repeated. “Isn’t it… that super cheesy concept humans invented…?” Yoko asked, narrowing her eyes. “Well, that’s an interesting way of seeing things, but yeah, I guess.” Her forehead frowned, her eyes full of suspicion, she kept looking at me without saying anything. I think she …

Volume 1 Chapter 10 – Request

 Lynett   In front of me, the Goddess narrowed her eyes, studying me carefully. “Aileen…? That’s… an interesting name…” Yoko said, after thinking for a while. “You seem to know me, but I don’t know you. A Divine I’ve never seen… You must be a new Low God, am I wrong?” Yes, you are. Not even close. Without even waiting …

Volume 1 Chapter 9 – Let’s Meet a God

 Lynett   In this world, beside me, there are three kinds of Gods: the High Gods, the Mid Gods and the Low Gods. I know the first two categories very well, since I was the one who created them. The High Gods are the most powerful ones. Including the Goddess of Light Naia, there are six of them. The Gods …