Chapter Thirty-Nine: Only a Single Human in Sight

               “No…” Kaltyr whimpered as her eyes laid on the furry beast rising out of the river.                The beast trudged out of the water and shook its fur—a useless action when it was raining heavily.                “It can’t be…” Her nose began to burn.                The fat furball slapped its flat tail against the ground and began using its …

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Travels Begin For Real This Time

Several uneventful days flowed on by like the gentle winds of an evening summer breeze…                While a violent thunderstorm just so happened to billow overhead the entire time.                Kaltyr’s body completely healed from the damage she’d sustained under the fire and assaults of the two different Life Level 5 beasts by the eighth day of her life in …

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Unexpected Gains

               Kaltyr was currently in possession of more pills than she honestly thought she needed—considering that in just one more Life Level most would become useless to her—but her teacher had said that it wasn’t possible to overdose on them, so made quite a few.                After being given the little lesson on keeping her attitude in check, the girl …

Chapter Thirty-Six: Elixirs

               Seeing as its words might have been misinterpreted to mean that what Kaltyr had accomplished wasn’t a big deal, Sir Quiggly-Do the Fifth had spent a minute assuring her it was a great feat to learn it on her own and that it was going to teach her that just a little later.                After the girl completely finished …

Chapter Thirty-Five: Path to Recovery

               Kaltyr cut the flow of mana to the disk-shaped rock, allowing her surroundings to return their somewhat darkness. She couldn’t stand using that magical tool in the rain because without shadows, within the nigh pure white magical illumination, every drop of water appeared more like drawings, as though they were sketched onto the very fabric of reality with a …

Chapter Thirty-Four: Giving in to Curiosity

The inky storm clouds above began their assault on the ground once more, filling the atmosphere with a solemn, nigh wistful mood. Combined with the fog that severely limited vision, the rain succeeded in painting the perfect picture for Kaltyr. Eyes closed, head tilted back, and equipment infused, the girl enjoyed the surrealness of the ambiance. Her mind found peace …

Chapter Thirty-Three: 7th Day

Fortunately for Kaltyr, her Enchanting skill leveled up to 2 after enchanting both her shirt and cargo pants. With the level-up, she immediately confirmed a few things: that her identification range changed to a maximum of two meters, and the properties of her primary weapon. Enchantment Slots Maximum capacity: 1 Decent-quality and 1 Inferior-quality —     [1 Decent-quality Water Affinity] Properties: …

Chapter Thirty-Two: Enchantments

Kaltyr soon found that Sir Quiggly-Do the Fifth was correct—she would have figured out whether stacking multiple enchantments onto a single piece of equipment, and how many total, was possible with or without its help. As soon as the wind puppet dispersed, the girl simply stared down at her shirt and willed her Enchanting skill to activate. Enchantment Slots Maximum …

Chapter Thirty-One: Back So Soon

Kaltyr stopped foraging for her missing phantasmal goo and lifted her head. The wind picked up unnaturally, and strong gusts whipped her hair around. For a few moments, she wondered if it was a coincidence, but then the air seemed to…solidify. All the winds from every direction collided in a single spot some ways above the girl, forming a familiar …

Chapter Thirty: Expedition Preparations

Upon awakening, Kaltyr spared no attention for anything else before attempting to cast the bubble spell… At least, she wouldn’t have spared anything but the bubble spell her attention were it not for the fact that her hunger seemed to have a negative impact on her control over mana. It seemed that avoiding eating very often, despite physically exerting herself …