Chapter 20

He was quite satisfied with himself, he was gaining points and learning to better use his skills in actual battle situations. If he could he would buy himself some sort of high tech training chamber to train instead of in a safe environment. He stretched a bit and looked around his surroundings, it looked gruesome. There were dead bugs everywhere …

Chapter 19

He flew into the air, his sword glistering in the sun as he zoomed around the area already feeling better after he left that village and was now alone. He always disliked crowded places and he didn’t have his trusty headphones to block out the noise around him anymore. So he was finally out in the open and decided to …

Chapter 18

Morning came and the sun was up once more, the small town was buzzing with noise as everyone was gossiping about the person that was resting in the cottage next to the Chief’s home. The man in question didn’t sleep all that well as he tossed and turned in the unfamiliar bed most of the time, getting in like 3 …

Chapter 17

*Wait, how long was I sitting on this rock…* Matt noticed that it was really dark outside, some lanterns lit up the place around but he knew that it was quite late now. *Those guys are probably still waiting for me outside…* He moved off the boulder and found himself a towel to dry his body off. He put his …

Chapter 16

The villagers left the cultivator at the hot spring inn of their village, the Chief ordered his people to block it off so that no one would bother the peculiar acting expert while he himself left to tend to his idiot of a son. He hoped that he didn’t say anything foolish to the cultivator he wanted to be on …

Chapter 15

Matt kept his hands behind his back while walking straight, he kind of didn’t want to keep this position anymore buy he wanted to at least look like a Master even though he was a total noob on the inside. He looked around checking out the wooden buildings. The buildings were mostly made from wood, with straw like roofs though …

Chapter 14

Cheng Yun rubbed his cheek as he spit blood on the ground, he felt a stinging pain where he got smacked but he couldn’t resist the son of the chief, he didn’t want to trouble his family as Rong was a known trouble maker. He would have to take this beating, the senior that supposed to be following them behind …

Chapter 13

Matt looked down at the village that was bathed in the color red of the setting sun. The small town was covered with trees from one side, while from the other side you could see farmlands stretching out. It was built at the edge of the forest, probably for easier access to the beasts in there. There was a big …

Chapter 12

Matt flew above them as he didn’t really want to move along with the strange men, and sighted to himself as he looked down on them just running in one direction. He was stuck in this world, everything seemed so surreal, he didn’t know if he was in some other world, or if he was comatose and stuck in a …

Chapter 11

“Uh… aren’t you going to take those? Think you were out here to hunt.” Matt coughed into his hand as he finally noticed the uncomfortable atmosphere around him as the men were frozen while staring at him. He pointed with his finger at the dead creatures that laid down on the ground, he didn’t really want them as he already …