Episode 56 – Tears of healing 2 ‘The Deep Night 2’

Episode 56 – Tears of healing 2 ‘The Deep Night 2’ Another awkward silence followed with Aedelak constantly shifting her eyes between Louis and Ron, not knowing what to do, embarrassed to know that they have seen everything she did… On the other hand, when she saw that the child younger than her was uncomfortably holding in his cough, she …

Episode 55 – Tears of healing ‘The Deep Night’

Episode 55 – Tears of healing ‘The Deep Night’ Deep in the night in the quiet Imperial ward, only sounds of multiple breaths could be heard. Night lights sourced from candles were softly illuminating the silent room along with the assistance of the moon. Aernest and Aeselak remained in a deep slumber, while Ron, Louis, Aedelak were completely wide awake, …

Episode 54 – The Aftermath 3 END ‘Without a shred of blood 2’

Episode 54 – The Aftermath 3 END ‘Without a shred of blood 2’ Who on earth planned out this perfect plan to capture a country? The plan to acquire Serv was planned out by Duke Irvin Graeme and Duke Earnest Marleigh, which at first greatly shocked the Emperor and the other nobles at the Royal court.  Half of the noble …

Episode 53 – The Aftermath 2 ‘Without a shed of blood’

Episode 53 – The Aftermath 2 ‘Without a shed of blood’  Xenperia closing their borders without informing the countries surrounding them raised a lot of questions, after all, they were allies in the same continent. Moreover, there were multiple reports of Xenperian envoy ships heading out of and in Xenperia which further brought unease to the Continent of Liasel.  Since …

Episode 52 – The Aftermath ‘Lèse majesté’

Episode 52 – The Aftermath ‘Lèse majesté’ Summer was a season everyone most took joy in. Agriculture was most prosperous during this time of the year. Flowers bloomed magnificently, and at some point in time, townspeople started to compete with one another over the most beautifully decorated town, which in turn attracted a huge amount of travelers and visitors every …

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 5 END ‘Deserting the group…3’

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 5 END ‘Deserting the group…3’ “Are you alright?” A low male voice spoke out from right above Ramon.  ‘…what…?’ Chills crawling down Ramon’s spine, his hands unconsciously trembling by his sides. His body for the first time going through inner turmoil, freezing cold from the unexpected encounter. ‘Was it one of the culprits?’ He …

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 4 ‘Deserting the group…2’

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 4 ‘Deserting the group…2’ “RON!” A loud shout was heard, far away from Ramon. Instantly, his eyes wandered to his brother and his gaze to brother Ron Graeme, who was on the floor coughing…- blood?! -Gasps!- His brain stuttered for a moment, his eyes stuck on the figure coughing up large amounts of blood …

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 3 ‘Deserting the group…’

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 3 ‘Deserting the group…’ Assassination at the Royal Palace Flashback On a screeching hot afternoon, where heat licked at his sweaty face, the worst possible situation is depicting right in front of him.  Aeselak’s teary eyes and non-stop coughs brought an unfamiliar feeling to him, and an unpleasant one at that. During the run, …

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 2 ‘The path to getting stronger 2’

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story 2 ‘The path to getting stronger 2’                  Streams of blazing sunlight fell through thick walls of tree leaves, filling up the training courtyard. Rays of lights tumbling upon the back of the strict swordsman instructor guiding the small 3-year-old on how to properly distribute his weight throughout his body.  “You are 2 centimeters …

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story ‘The path to getting stronger’

Side Chapter 1 – Ramon’s Story ‘The path to getting stronger’ Marking the 2nd day after the Assassination incident, the usual lively House of Veria was engulfed in absolute silence. Masters and servants dispiritedly carried out their daily routine. No one dared to make any sound; except for the occasional solid sound of wooden swords striking each other coming from …