Glenn had nodded off again, his cigarette had gone out in his hand. He sat slumped in the corner of the smoking area of the Garfield Street bar. His whole body ached, but he wouldn’t have to wait for much longer. The tables were half full, most were in their mid-twenties. He sipped at his beer and counted his cigarettes. …
3 – Lawrence 1
Lawrence stood and watched Dr. Patel pace while he thought. He was a short, balding man. His ring of silver hair contrasted with his rich dark skin. From all he had seen so far Dr Patel was a good doctor. He had only been on shift with Dr. Patel for three hours but he came with a good reputation. The …
2 – Audrey 1
Audrey’s day had been rough, she woke up feeling unrested and she could feel a cold coming on. It had been there for a few days but it had only started to get bad today. Harry was out all day so she had no one to look after her. She sat in her comfy chair, knitting needles in hand. She …
1 – Adi 1
Adi dragged on his cigarette, the hot smoke filled his lungs, the clove filter left a sweet taste on his lips. He had quit but that seemed unimportant now that he had started to show symptoms. The power was out so he sat enjoying the moonlit rice fields from his balcony. It had been such a long time since he …
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