Chapter 17

~ Boom !! – That person did what ?! The prince’s hand stamped firmly on the desk, which if it had been an ordinary one would have turned to rubble. – Erudite? He’s obviously a phony! And yet… How the hell did a complete stranger get to obtain fragments of our holy scriptures? – He exclaimed in a fit of …

Chapter 16

What? The young figure’s dark eyes narrowed like needles and she instinctively turned her face, though she didn’t really need to to check that no one was behind. Turning her gaze she could see that Quin had cocked her head to the side, also peering behind her with curiosity, and then tilted her head looking at her with a questioning …

Chapter 15 – About a light in the dark.

It was early enough that the dawn lights had not yet come on, and the decorated room barely held any dim lighting. On the bed in its center lay a little girl in a messy pose that changed frequently. – Hundred… The echo of a voice came to the room and still sleeping her little ear moved in response. – …

Chapter 14

In a high and luxurious room a feather moved neatly on the paper. The hand of a young man near his thirties, with dark hair and icy blue eyes, made a few strokes before taking another sheet. Sitting alone in front of his desk next to several stacks of papers, his hand stopped briefly and he looked up for no …

Chapter 13

– Mmm? – Do not pretend ignorance … you just questioned the lineage of an imperial princess, and the king and queen accordingly. The game you’re playing here is no longer… Violet’s demeanor had not lost hostility, but she had become calm and cold, denoting the true seriousness of the case. For his part, Bran moved closer to Quin, separating …

Chapter 12

– Little … Why do you think I should have wings? – This is how a good princess is … Her lively expression seemed to leave no room for debate about it. – ……? This … Have you seen other princesses before? – Yes! – She nodded excitedly – When I sleep … – ……… – She is super beautiful …

Chapter 11

– Wait … it can’t be that … – No! That is not … what happened … – she rejected nervously. – No?… Lehm’s soft voice reached her ears making her skin stand on end and lower her head. – Well… yes… – She mumbled under her breath, like a little bird – But … but … – Enough! I …

Chapter 10 – About chance encounters.

– Uffffffff … Bran stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow. He spent a full half day working on cleaning the new home together with Quin. From time to time he braked himself to touch the woods with a confused expression. When the sequence of extraordinary events came to an end, he finally began to realize …

Chapter 9

– You didn’t say it would be a high level! The stone in his hand was similar in shape, but slightly larger and its brilliance could be seen much purer and more intense. It was impossible to take the eyes off the first time. – Sorry, I forgot that you are desperately poor. – He defended himself, with an innocent …

Chapter 8

– Why the surprise? I am the boyfriend you must teach education. Mmm… – he murmured thoughtfully – I wonder what the content of the lessons will be… – Mister Lehm! That was … that … You understand! Please, don’t play with me … – crossing her arms and looking away with a pout. He smiled and then changed the …