Extra: The Budding Necromancer

Four years ago… “Hey, where are you going this summer break? Papa’s taking me to Durcesa, you know!” “Eeh, how nice! My papa isn’t taking me anywhere! I’m stuck with his boring etiquette lessons instead! Etiquette lessons! I’m not some highborn noble lady! I’m a mage!” “Hehe, he’s still big about you being a court mage? Doesn’t he want you to …

Chapter 52: Goodbyes (End of The Childhood Arc)

Marina When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Alincia, crying her heart out with a smile before throwing herself at me for a hug. She then told me everything. How Vera had died, how she had come here to rescue me— And how Father and Mother had perished. My eyes widened in shock, but I didn’t say anything. …

Chapter 51: The Council’s Schemes

Selendia In the skies, under the dark night, was a giant transparent jellyfish. It continuously fired off a jet of water from its bottom, maintaining its altitude in the process. And inside said jellyfish was two figures—two women, one wearing a white and cyan maid dress with a pair of peculiar fins attached to the sides of her head while …

Chapter 50: The Flame Witch’s Feelings

Alincia “Hugo, wait!” I shouted. Too late. Or rather, he probably didn’t want to listen. They didn’t make it? So they— If only—if only I had made it here faster, then maybe I could— ————– Nine days ago, I was still in the capital. Or rather, I was at the hills to the east of it, not that far from the …

Chapter 49: Tears

Vera …How dare he… HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE? He—he nearly got me! Me, the great Vera Marjoram! One of the Magocracy’s ruling mages!  What was that spell?! If I hadn’t summoned Wendigo, I would’ve died to that spell! Even Lana didn’t have a spell like that! That speed and destructive power—it can only be a Master-level Wind …

Chapter 48: The Ice Witch Pt. 2

Vera Ha, stupid boy! You just walked to your own death!  It’s a shame though that the other two don’t really respond to my provocation. Oh well, as expected from ex S rank adventurers, I suppose. No matter. Their barrier would shatter far before they could reach my location. Of course, Vera was lying out of her teeth. She simply …

Chapter 47: The Ice Witch

Marina I had to fight it… I had to fight it!  I had to fight this overwhelming, burning urge inside me! “M-Marina?” There he comes! Don’t look at him! Don’t listen to him! Don’t talk to him!” “Marina, I’m coming in, alright.” “Go away!” “M-Marina, why are you so angry at me? D-did I do anything wrong?” “GO! AWAY!” “Marina! …

Chapter 46: Cold Death

Lotho It… it shouldn’t have gone like this! I thought they would just lose to our ambush right away! If not by the collapsing ice, at the barrage of Cold Blast we sprung on them! To think that the father would be strong enough to deflect all of them like that! He might be a fellow S-rank adventurer, but he’s …

Chapter 45: The Climb

Hugo After our strategy meeting, we immediately departed to the mountain. The entrance was located right at the outskirts of the city, so it didn’t take long at all until we reached the gate. As expected, it was closed, and there were a group of mage guards standing right in front of it. Just like we had discussed, we weren’t …

Chapter 44: Time Limit

Hugo The next morning, as usual, we gathered downstairs to have our breakfast. Only for me to be completely blindsided by what I was seeing  W-whoa… Well, this is… different… Father and Mother were no longer in their usual outfits. Instead, they were wearing what looked to be their adventuring outfits instead, maybe even the very same outfits they used …