chapter 11:

I opened my eyes and scanned the unfamiliar roof. I tried to pull myself up but sharp pains circulated my body. I turned my head to look at the door oddly; it was very familiar to the crown prince’s chambers door. A thought came rushing in my head. Am I in his chambers? Then I should leave quickly. I once again summoned all of my strength …

chapter 10: the showdown

In the small, dark alley, only two of us stood, facing each other. I could sense his killing intent, emanating from those eyes. Lowering my hood, I unsheathed my sword from my belt. I was taught only one style of fighting: The Chien. This style was very rare, and my master was the one who had taught it to me …

chapter 9: An Unlikely friend

I sat at my office, doing paperwork since that is what a prince should do. Alex sat on the couch, reading things I didn’t pay attention to. For the first time this season, I found the summer heat annoying. This heat was astonishingly unbearable. Removing my jacket, I placed it on the hanger, drank a glass of water, and continued …

Chapter 8: the man behind the mask

He approached me with two glasses and handed one to me. I looked at him, thinking of my next move. I knew that saying the wrong words may land me in deep trouble. I sipped a bit of the wine, savoring the taste. Then, I raised my head and smiled. [Lucia]: Of course, Your Highness. I would be honored. [Cesar]: …

chapter 7: the future

The grand ball was hosted as a way to introduce the two princes to society. Although many already knew Cesar through the queen’s influence, most only heard of Edmond through rumors. Many described him as a cold-blooded human, who killed thousands in the north. Others knew him as a great leader in the face of war. Clearly, the nobles knew …

Chapter 6: My name is lucia

I was the last daughter of the Gremory family. All of my other siblings were male. Additionally, all of them were knights. My father treated me differently since I was born as a girl, and my mother despises me for being different from other noble ladies. Most of my brothers paid little attention to me, except for my strict, eldest …

Chapter 5: The Beginning of a new era

Although the queen should be around her mid-40’s in age, she appeared surprisingly young, with an air of elegance. She wore a silver gown that exposed her shoulders, and she had tied her golden hair the shape of a smooth bun, decorated with jewels. The most striking part of her appearance was her red, ruby necklace, which she had paired …

Chapter 4: The next king of Mauritius

According to the letter, the queen had secret connections with the eastern countries. Using these connections, she was probably plotting something in order to ensure that her son became the next king. Also, my spies have noticed that the formerly separate eastern countries planned to unite. Together, they pose no threat to us as they are now. Even if they …

Chapter 3: The Snake

The shadow stepped out, holding a sword. He wore knightly armour, with a mask that covered his whole face except for the eyes. Raising his decorated sword, he launched himself towards me. As he approached, I quickly threw the bottle of wine towards him. He instinctively rolled to his right. Within that small window of time, I jumped outside the …

Chapter 2: The Trojan Horse

He fiercely glared at me as he raised his voice. [Leader]: So, you’re the crown prince. I wonder how much they will pay for you. I raised my head and smirked. [Edmond]: Don’t expect much. I am The Devil after all. I looked around the room to count how many guards were present. Apparently, five in total; two near the …