Chapter 30: Capture

I blinked once, then twice, then thrice. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. That’s him, right? The Golden Sun? My mind tried to make sense of what was happening, but to no avail. It felt like my brain had rusted and wouldn’t function properly. Suddenly, another sharp pain erupted from my side. It felt hot, burning. My gaze shifted …

Chapter 29: Ideology

My lips quivered as I stared at him, searching for belief in his stern expression. He let his hand loose, letting it drop towards his stomach, and he fell into a fit of laughter. Is he crazy? I thought. “Alright, alright. I believe you,” he said with a voice completely different from before. Its grandness and mightiness had vanished. Instead, …

Chapter 28: Meeting the Golden Sun

Suddenly hearing a voice out of nowhere startled me, breaking me out of focus. I missed my Wind Walk and stumbled, almost hitting a tent. Fortunately, I managed to regain my footing before a disaster happened. Laughter echoed from the same place the voice came from. I instinctively looked to its source and found a Mossquito sitting on my shoulder. …

Chapter 27: Night Raid

Rows of leather tents lined up a few meters away from us, the lazy hue of the moon barely lighting its roofs. Unlike the monster villages, this camp — more like a village — was set in an orderly fashion. With the Mossquitoes still following the Golden Sun’s faction, Bria easily tracked and got their coordinates with her search spell.  …

Chapter 26: Gift

I didn’t know how long I stayed like that, and I didn’t care. But I was dragged back to reality by another loud bang as the door hit the wall again. My mind was alert of my surroundings, but my head was still buried on my knees. The sound of footsteps became louder as it went nearer. One was metallic, …

Chapter 25: Aftermath

I groaned. It felt like a dozen men had punched my stomach at once. Even my breath was temporarily stopped. What happened? I shook my head in an attempt to regain my senses. My right hand clutched solid ground, but it felt like I was seeing the world sideways. I slightly opened my eyes, and everything was spinning. It felt …

Chapter 24: Spiked Firebears

We encircled Bria, watching as her eyes glowed to search for our targets. After a few muted moments, the glow vanished and her eyes returned to normal. She turned to us, then said, “I found some.” When her eyes met mine, I nodded to give her permission to proceed. She muttered a few words, then a lava red aura covered …

Chapter 23: Gorda and Friends

I stared at the huge gray Goblin genuflecting in front of me. This is G1? Turning into a Hobgoblin? What? In my confusion, I blurted, “Is that really you, G1” The Goblin nodded, holding its respectful position. I looked back at Bria, disbelief and confusion mixing in my mind. “If that is really G1, when did he become so… subservient?” …

Chapter 22: Hobgoblin

We left G2 and G3 to our most recent catch, the Goblin village. Unlike G1, G2 and G3 were barely independent. I figured leaving them to lead a village should do them good. Borrowing Shiki’s words, “It takes fire to forge one’s mettle.” When the mob woke up from their stupor, the battle was already over. The little green guys …

Chapter 21: Crescent Slash, Finally

G1 had been protecting and leading G2 and G3, which was something I found ironically cute. With his experience, I figured he had some leadership quality in him. Maybe still far from what I imagined Shiki would have, but leadership skill nonetheless. The only way to know, I figured, was by turning him into a king. Besides, I was already …