Chapter 8 – Roundabout (I)

The rising moon dyed the world below it a soft white, stretching the shadows that littered the ground to impossible lengths. As the owls that slept in the trees began going about their nightly business, Ico swung her window open and raised the cloak over her head. She raised the hood and as she clambered elegantly onto the gutter drain, …

Chapter 7 – Burning For You (VII)

“Agreed,” said Winoa as she picked up the pace, “Though what’s next? Have either of you got any ideas?” “We go back to our room then climb out the window? We do have a gutter running by our room,” Ico replied. Without any better idea, the three companions made their way back to Ico and Winoa’s room, dodging the sight …

Chapter 7 – Burning For You (VI)

The library was just as they left it, quiet, sparsely populated with students, and smelling vaguely of books. Unfortunately, for Maynard there was a distinct difference in the feeling of the people around him. Now he scrutinised every person who they walked by as he tried to glean whether they were secretly members of the cult that lurked in the …

Chapter 7 – Burning for You (V)

There was a snapping twig close by as the three continued to make their way through the forest. Instantly they all turned around towards the origin of the disturbance and Maynard prepared to cast his detection skill, however he immediately discarded the idea, as no more than twenty meters away from them was the trio of figures in the ominous …

Chapter 7 – burning For You (IV)

Opening his eyes, he turned and began to walk in the direction of the three flames he had picked up. Kicking dirt and leaves up as he made his way towards the flames, Maynard stopped every so often, just to make sure that he did not lose track of the flames, or of the twins. As he approached, he began …

Chapter 7 – Burning for You (III)

“I’m sorry we couldn’t be of more help, sis,” Ico replied with a shrug, but Winoa brushed her off. “It’s no issue. I did find one more thing though. First thing I found actually, and less of a prime discovery, and more of an odd coincidence.” “Oh?” said Maynard. “Aye, You remember that sentence I mentioned when we were back …

Chapter 7 – Burning For you (II)

“Aren’t you the one with the info about this, Ram?” Ico asked with a squint, before sitting down next to her sister. “Yeah, but I’m just as clueless as you about this. Perhaps there’s some kind of writing on the statue in the middle or in the water? Or maybe the statue itself is representative of something? Those are the …

Chapter 7 – Burning For you (I)

The sun was high in the sky when the trio left the twins’ halls and made their way into the town that neighboured the college. The town of Illham was not a busy one, but rather it was a sleepy connecting point between the port-side fishing town of Tannerfield, the mines of Durley, and the college itself. Overlooked by the …

Chapter 6 – Carry On My Wayward Son (V)

“Actually, yes,” Maynard replied with a grin, “I’ve managed to pick up the Appraisal skill, though I’ve yet to use it, so I can’t be sure of how well it works.” Winoa let out a low whistle as she sat down at the desk that sat against her bed, “That’s a mighty thing to pick up, Ram, you lucked out.” …

Chapter 6 – Carry On My wayward Son (IV)

“The cult of Serra has been working in this area for well over a century. I’ve spent most of my life trying to discover why they are here, so the idea of finding this place is very tempting to me, but we can’t miss our chance to disrupt their new ritual-site. We might not have another chance to deal with …