Chapter 6 – Carry On My Wayward Son (III)

“Anything interesting?” asked Winoa. “Absolutely. It’s a part of a mission I received. I need to find a three part book series. Found the first at the start of the mission, and the second just now.” “Sounds like you’re good at finding needles, Ram,” said Ico, closing the book she had in front of her. “I am apparently quite lucky,” …

Chapter 6 – Carry On My Wayward Son (II)

“He loved the old tree, the fountain that stands at the heart of the town, and the cavern the tunnels connected to. His memoirs said they were all magical things, but only the tree and the cavern were what he returned to the area for.” “He has memoirs?” asked Ico, closing her open book in shock, “The librarian mentioned nothing …

Chapter 6 – Carry on My wayward Son (I)

The library was quiet. The hustle and bustle of the outside world was still prevalent here, just quieter. Lamplight flickered down the aisles filled with well kept books and natural light filtered in through the huge windows that lined the walls. Rows of desks sat between the aisles which were populated with young men and women as opposed to the …

Chapter 5 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (IV)

Maynard nodded and followed both girls out of the foyer towards their halls of residence. The night was bright, and it had long since ceased to rain, which left a crispness in the air that cleansed Maynard’s lungs when he breathed in. As he walked back towards the college halls of residence he could not help but still jump slightly …

Chapter 5 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (III)

Leaving the infirmary, Maynard moved into the hallway and walked back towards the foyer. He winced when he walked, but he could gradually feel his body healing. It seemed that whatever had been done to him when he was brought into the forge sped his healing up dramatically – as long as he was helped by something or someone. With …

Chapter 5 – 21st Cnetury Schizoid Man (II)

Finally the Mediterranean man broke the silence and said, “What are you going to do once we get to Illham College? I.. I’m not really sure where I should go from here.” “I’m going to find that guy Lockley kept talking derisively about  and then I’m going to tell him what happened in the mine. Our main missions are complete. …

Chapter 5 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (I)

The carriage rocked as Maynard felt his clothing slowly dry from the heat on his body. Tommy moaned in the corner as he slept, his seared arm and leg wrapped in cloth strip bandages created from a spare shirt that Philippe had stored in his own inventory. The carriage was quiet, but the mood was heavy. As the rough road …

Chapter 4 – The Chain (VI)

Moving towards Adam, Maynard sighed. The man was very, very dead. He had been on his last legs before Maynard had charged in, but now there was an extra hole where his throat should have been, and he had the same glassy eyed look that Callum wore. To Maynard, it seemed like the only people who were left intact were …

Chapter 4 – The Chain (V)

At the core of the scene was… something. Maynard tried to compare it to any creature he had ever seen before but he could not quite get a grip upon its form. The creature’s features and shape seemed to shift with every single flicker of the light from the lamp that he held in his hand. From one moment to …

Chapter 4 – The Chain (IV)

Maynard nodded, shuffled the cards, and put his own sixpence into the pot before dealing out the cards. They all took a glance at their cards, and Maynard smiled. A queen and a ten. Not perfect, but close enough to it. I’m not going to be able to eke out anything higher though. Across the table he heard Will say, …