Chapter 4 – The Hall Of Trials

We screwed up, he thought as he stared at the corpse of his partner. S***. He cursed, once more, out loud as he looked at the shivering woman too scared to touch the body. I told him. I f****** told him, he stared at her scrappy white outfit. Bitch. “Tanner, what are we going to do now?” she asked, like …

Chapter 3 – ‘Learning’

It took some time before his heartbeat slowed down to a normal pace. The shivers had finally left, as had the hysteria. He felt tired and numb but his head was strangely clear as if he had pushed the tension he had felt into a room somewhere in his mind and locked the door. He didn’t think he had gone …

Chapter 2 – First Blood

The three humanoids entered the hall. They looked… odd. Their skin was a pale color; not white, but a light peach. The two men had dark hair, cropped short, while the woman had hers long and a dirty straw-like yellow. One of the men, the more slender one, wore a long, coarse, burgundy robe that looked hard to move in, …

Chapter 1 – Blank

[God has spoken.] What was this? What was happening? [Your world will be tested.] Where was this voice coming from? God? What does it mean by God? [Survive. Live. Thrive. So deems your God.] Silence. And then screams. He woke up to darkness. Survive. Live. Thrive. The words kept pounding in his head, inducing echoes of pain that would likely lead …