Chapter 119

Chapter 119 : Mana Reading (1) “This is….harder than Oliver made it look!” Agni groaned as she fell backwards on her ass. The rest of the adventurers who’d been invited weren’t faring any better. Even Katrin was tuckered and the training session was only twenty minutes in. The theory behind mana reading was simple. Thus Agni kept replaying Oliver’s explanation …

chapter 118

Chapter 118 : Homework Salesman (2) *Note that Oliver’s last name has been changed to Pagnal.* Agni left the meeting with Zula in a strange mood. She couldn’t rightly discern her emotions, they were all jumbled. The only thing she could clearly feel was apprehension. *Who am I kidding? I might be afraid.* Agni thought. *Of course you’re afraid. You’re …

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 : Homework Salesman (1) Agni felt restless upon waking. She wasn’t entirely sure why but perhaps her dreams held the key? She had the wildest dream which left her body feverish to the touch — something about Gigi f****** her relentlessly with a strap on. She quickly dismissed the strangeness of the thought and stretched as she gave …

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 : Prep Time “Doyenne, no offense but this seems kind of… out of our league.” Gates was the first to broach the subject with Vivian. He was obviously disturbed, no doubt he felt like he was in over his head. Agni could relate. Although she’d been inside of blood shards on a few occasions she had never encountered …

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 : A Dragon’s End (2) Dealla first realized what happened as she was lifted off of her feet. The force of the blow was enough to force the wind out of her lungs temporarily as she was carried through the air and landed hard with a thud on the sparsely dotted landscape of grass and dirt. Her body …

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 : A Dragon’s End (1) The next few moments of Dealla’s memory were hazy at best. She remembered a battle breaking out as several of the remaining party members attacked the ominous figure. It seemed to be shrouded in the very mists of the shard itself and the miasma coiled around its limbs and torso like a snake. …

Chapter 113

Chapter 113 : A Dragon’s Story (2) *Better safe than sorry.* Dealla thought as she raised one hand causing gold energy to flow forth as she muttered the words ‘Drake’s Scales’. This light stretched outwards in strands and curled around each of the nearby teammates, prompting an alert for each member involved. “Only 5%.” Dealla clicked her tongue in annoyance …

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: A Dragon’s Story (1) “Tedrin, this is a terrible idea! Anything could happen inside these shards!” The mahogany haired dragon-kin known as Dealla protested, and rather heatedly at that. Her slit-like eyes burned with anger as she pleaded her case. The dark haired elf known as Tedrin sighed, partially because he was tired of Dealla’s reckless mouth. It …

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 : Your Presence Is Required “So…you’re telling me that… three half naked nuns grinding their bodies against you was…training?” Ariadna didn’t seem convinced. She was currently sitting across from Agni and Shula while several other people watched on from within the room. Agni nodded, Shula shrugged and Zula chuckled to herself. “Yes dear. I’m Zula by the way.” …

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 : Intervention (4) “Oh, Agni.” Zula whispered, her eyes locked on the succubus who currently had her head down as tears fell on her lap. Zula could relate on many levels to the way that Agni felt right now. One of the more common traits that all adventurers had was that they came from misfortune lives. She knew …