Chapter 10: Team fight

On the beautiful hill’s grassy field, the Sun shone brightly. A fresh gentle rain shower had blessed the ground. And when I saw the two dancing figures, smiling at each other in pure unadulterated happiness, I knew that I would remember that peaceful moment forever. Nova was the happiest she had been since Grandpa died. She had taken Harlow’s hands …

Chapter 9: New Toys

I couldn’t really believe what I was hearing. The Stars in our Fortune Attributes indicated how many times our Skills could be Promoted. It was unbelievable. “But, then… what about my bad luck?” I asked. “Your bad luck? Did you think you were the first person to lose an arm?” Indeed I wasn’t. “And what about the Shade-cursed hair then?” …

Chapter 8: What wasn’t said

We had sat on the ground, she had grown tired of waiting for him to come back, and since mine and Nova’s mood had sunk a little during the day, she had started working by herself on a project related to us. The open blueprints on the table she had effortlessly brought outside because of the nice weather were clearly …

Chapter 7: The engineer’s daughter

“The clock-engineer lives on top of the hill, on the other side of the Wastelands, in neutral territory, and by the Fallen Kingdom. A ruin of clock-constructs belonging to the dawn of our era, the Third Era. It hosts a Dungeon so terribly hard that Delvers only delve the outskirts of it.” “What do you mean by the Third Era?” …

Chapter 6: The Darkest day

We are not Flowborn, nor are we Shadelings; we are sentients. No Crystals or Stones well up inside us. We are husks waiting to be filled. The science men’s theories we had heard based themselves on that one phrase. Maybe it was for that reason that when the Shade Plague took completely over the body of its victims, they turned …

Chapter 4: Momma Jane

It was still ninth bell, when I got there, to momma Janes’ humble abode, and she had me climb the treehouse to eat breakfast with them. They, she and Nova, had waited for me, both sure I would come back. However, when we started talking… *** “You finally lost your mind,” I said to momma Jane. “Loke!” Nova shouted! “What!? …

Chapter 2: Little Bush

“Go ahead,” I said. Even though we had already roughly guessed the Skills she had managed to unlock with her Rogue Class. The second one had been, without a doubt, the Shade blade; but we did not exactly know what the first one was. I guessed that it had to be related to some weak points gauging, like mine. It …

Chapter 3: New Perk

An auburn dawn hadn’t even risen yet, but I was already on the run. It would take me three hours to reach the treehouse. I was not about to let Nova and momma Jane leave like that. I had left the bag to Nova; I had nothing with me if not my bow, five arrows, a knife, and a cord …