Chapter 181: Short Stop Home

“Welcome back to our great warriors.” Nela’s first words were to poke fun at their appearance as they made their way into Cliforge’s walls. Almost a nostalgic thing after the weeks they had spent trailing around the country. Whilst they had not been as fast as a scout could have been, Braydon and his knights had still pushed his men …

Chapter 180: Invites to the Capital

It did not take long for a meeting to be set up. The King had sent a messenger to invite Duke Tetland as soon as the enemy centre had routed. Once there was some semblance of organisation and the celebration over the battle had died down, the King, the Duke and the various lords met up to discuss things going …

Chapter 179: The Aftermath

*BUBUUUUUUUU* “Form up!” Braydon did not need to hear the horn to know what he should do. It had not taken long for the flanks to fold after the centre of the enemy ran. The Duke’s left flank had already taken a battering from Duke Tetland’s harassment and encirclement, leaving only the right flank relatively unscathed. Unscathed did not mean …

Chapter 178: Routed!

*BUUUUUUUU* “CHARGE!!!” There were at most a couple dozen meters between both sides when Braydon heard the horn blare once again. If things went well he would not hear it again until the end of the battle. And he did not need any more encouragement than that.  “HAAA.” The Fiverian army shouted as countless men charged towards the now fatigued …

Chapter 177: This is Where We End It

“So boys, this is where we end it!” Braydon shouted to his men. They were lined up for battle, though this time it was more than just a few hundred of them. Braydon could see similar scenes playing out in both directions. Lords or their knights trying to inspire their men into action. Whilst Duke Ryder’s men may have been …

Chapter 176: Then I Can Have My Fun

“Sire, we cannot out run them any longer. The men are barely standing as it is.” He knew that. He knew that very well. But it was not like he could stop.  “And what would you do?” Duke Ryder asked in return. It was a question with no correct answers but he asked it anyway. To run would mean being …

Chapter 175: How About that Alima Over in Narabun?

“Let me guess, you are going to say yes.” Cinar just rolled his eyes when he heard what Duke Burn had offered. As the person with the closest relationship to the King, it was not a surprise that he was more open about his thoughts.  “You think that I would say no?” Aled returned, not at all surprised that Cinar …

Chapter 174: How to Get Away With Rebellion

“Somebody send this to the King.” Duke Burn called for a servant. It was one of the many things that he was glad to have now that he was back in his own territory. Whilst his days during the past few months could not be said to be uncomfortable as the person in charge of an army, that was no …

Chapter 173: …But the Cicada Already Left

“So what are we doing now, Your Majesty? Are we giving chase immediately?” Braydon asked once he had accompanied Ethan back to where the King was standing. Since Duke Burn’s army had been defeated, there was not much else to do. The only real threat to King Aled’s rule was now Duke Ryder and he was the weakest that he …

Chapter 172: Mantis Stalks the Cicada…

“We are attacking straight away, Sire?” Duke Ryder was decisive but not normally this decisive. His knights had expected that they would only attack Duke Burn after waiting for the next day. After the forced march they had had minimal rest and now he expected them to fight a battle to top it off? “Did I stutter?” It was not …