Chapter 171: Ryder’s Misery

“Sire, the King has started moving again.” A knight reported to Duke Ryder. After the change in circumstances, he had ordered that all of his scouts be used to see what their enemies were doing and where. Hence that it was one of his knights that was reporting a message that had been sent back by the scout captain rather …

Chapter 170: Escaped Into the Night

“Wait, what?” Braydon was suddenly much more awake than he had been just moments ago. He had gone to sleep the night before after a round of making sure that the troops were doing what Rhydian had commanded, accompanied by the man himself. And it had been a sound night’s sleep. Sounder than his sleep had been in a while …

Chapter 169: Smack Some Soldiers Around

“Sufficiently bored that you came to bother me?” Rhydian asked as Braydon approached, a small smile on his face. He doubted that Braydon would come to tell him anything new that happened, the King had already sent word of the most important bits. “You know me well.” Braydon acknowledged, he didn’t have much to do but he did not want …

Chapter 168: Rug Pulled From Under Him

“Fine, fine! I agree.” Duke Tetland conceded with a slightly annoyed face. He had been hoping to have minimal concessions when discussing how they should divide Duke Rotleach’s men but his entire plan depended on framing the man’s death on his knights. Knights who were in the hands on King Aled. He did not have much choice if he wanted …

Chapter 167: Duke Tetland Arrives

“I see that you are well.” Duke Tetland greeted King Aled, his knight standing slightly behind him. Their meeting was much smaller in scale than the previous day, only including the King’s inner circle of nobles and a few guards. As Braydon watched things play out, he was almost certain that the day before had partially been used as a …

Chapter 166: The King’s Allegiance is Expensive

“Welcome!” King Aled said with a smile and open arms. Before him were the two knights that had made their bet on siding with him after Duke Rotleach had died. As soon as they had met up with Rotleach’s army, all of the nobles travelling with their troops gathered to watch things unfold.  Braydon himself stood beside Rhydian and Cinar …

Chapter 165: Eyes Pulled Out

“Duke Rotleach is on the move again, Sire.” A scout reported to Duke Burn. Immediately after he said that, he had the Duke’s undivided attention. This was something that Duke Burn had been paying the closest attention to, especially after he heard that Duke Ryder had decided to move north. That the man had given up on attacking the distraction …

Chapter 164: The Lords Scheme, The Knights Worry

“Should we really be trusting them?” Gerald asked. It was not the first time since they had started moving that he had asked this, he had let Braydon know quite well how little he trusted the pair of knights that they had never met. Not at all. “Rhydian seems to think that it is worth a shot.” Braydon responded, having …

Chapter 163: Tomorrow

“You look like you are about to go to war.” Braydon commented half in jest as he saw Rhydian entering the tent. From the face that Rhydian had, it looked like there was a change in plans and they were going to come thick and fast. He just wondered what exactly the change in circumstances were that caused Rhydian to …

Chapter 162: Plans Set in Motion

“Well that was unexpected.” Aled muttered to himself as he burnt the letter he had just received, preparing to draft his own. He had not expected Duke Rotleach’s knights to make any moves of their own since their liege had died, rather he expected that they would try and meet up with Duke Tetland. At the very most, he thought …