Chapter 161: Unable to Move Yet Unable to Stay

“We’ve been holding our position for over a day now. News will get out eventually. What are we supposed to do?” A knight with a dark expression asked his peer. They had left with great hopes of victory and within a few days of crossing the Fiverian border the worst kind of tragedy struck. “Duke Tetland is getting closer too. …

Chapter 160: Change of Plans

“Duke Tetland has moved his men across the border now too?” Braydon asked, it had been at least a week since Duke Rotleach had marched his army into Fiveria, he had assumed that Duke Tetland would not be coming. “Yes, my people have confirmed it. I am sure that everyone else knows about it by now.” The King responded. It …

Chapter 159: One Duke Moves One Duke Stops

“Duke Ryder has started moving again?” Braydon asked Cinar to make sure that he had heard correctly. After they had met to discuss Duke Ryder stopping near the capital, Braydon had gone back to his troops to rest. And early the next morning, Cinar came to see him. They had all been pretty sure that the man was trying to …

Chapter 158: Plays And Counter-Plays

“They have stopped moving, Sire.” The scout reported.  “Stopped moving before or after they entered Boshil?” Duke Ryder asked, it was the most important part. Whether the Royals decided to enter the city walls meant that he would take one of two very different actions. “They are about half as far from the capital as we are.” Came the response. …

Chapter 157: Making A Dare

“He is making a dare.” It was not hard for Braydon to tell what was going on. It was not hard for anyone with half a brain to tell what was going on. Duke Ryder had stayed quiet for almost an entire week. It was as if he was completely ignoring their presence as he marched his army across the …

Chapter 156: No Need to Worry

“Other than coming here to terrify us, is there something else that brought you away from your men?” Cinar asked. Braydon had not even mentioned why he had come to the front yet. If there was nothing that he wanted to discuss, he would have likely stayed where he was, with his own men, until someone asked for him. “I …

Chapter 155: Overconfidence?

“Look who decided to join us.” Cinar exclaimed when he saw Braydon approaching. A number of lords preferred to ride together, and the natural gathering place for them in a moving army was with the King. They did not disappoint. Other than those close to the king, or even his faction, a number of lords from the northeast were also …

Chapter 154: Gerald’s Thoughts On The War

“I see that you will need not be dragged naked through the streets for you to join us.” The King greeted Cinar as he entered the tent. Since they were going to be leaving imminently, the various lords had already left the walls of Mapjess and had rejoined their men, awaiting the call to move. Cinar was one of the …

Chapter 153: Dragging You Half Dressed

“How long until we move?” Braydon asked. The scouts had been giving constant reports since it was decided that they would tail Duke Ryder’s men and nothing out of the ordinary had been found. Rhydian had taken that as the go ahead that he needed to order the entire army move out. Though it had only been a day, they …

Chapter 152: Pretty Ridiculous

*knock knock* “Come in.” Nela looked up from the book that she had been reading. And it was of no great surprise to her when she saw Braydon accompanied by her father enter. Braydon had been right in thinking that Nela was one of the first people to know that her father had returned to Mapjess. Reading had been her …