Chapter 141: Marching to Battle

“Sire, we should be able to see Marquess Burgess’ men soon.” The soldier reported. “Good, then let’s see how much damage we can do.” Viscount Sharpe smiled, he had managed to make it all the way to the river without seeing a single sign of someone from Mapjess looking for him. Even if they had warned the Marquess, they would …

Chapter 140: Help is at Hand

“How far do you reckon that he has gotten since he was last seen?” Braydon asked the scout as they rode ahead of his men. One of the first things that Braydon did when Rhydian told him about Viscount Sharpe was to go and find the scouts that had been responsible for finding him. Since he was not going to …

Chapter 139: Taking Action

“We have found him.” Rhydian said. And Braydon didn’t need anything more than that to know what Rhydian was talking about. There was only one person that they needed to find and Braydon was the most invested in wanting to see Viscount Sharpe caught. Though the King was a close second. “And since you have come to me so soon, …

Chapter 138: Commander Rhydian

“Sir.” The scout greeted as he returned to his captain. The captain could tell that the scout had found nothing otherwise he would look happier than he did. “No sign of him from the road to Wathamalin?” The scout captain himself didn’t mind that nobody was found in that direction. He knew what it would mean if they had found …

Chapter 137: A personable Man

“In a few words? Not close.” Braydon said, still slightly surprised thinking about it. While he could reason why Rhydian was chosen, it did not mean that he thought it would be a one sided affair. “Do you mean to say that near nobody chose Earl Downs?” Nela found that a hard to believe proposition.  “No, there were certainly people …

Chapter 136: How Close Was It?

“Well it seems like they are finished for today.” Nela muttered to herself as she saw the various lords once again leave the meeting room, for what was likely going to be the last time that day. Now all she wondered about was the outcome of the decision. If things went positively, Rhydian would be leading the army and it …

Chapter 135: Stand By Him

“Do you not believe that your attitude is a bit too brash to be leading the Kingdom’s army?” This time Earl Downs himself asked a question. Unlike his allies, he was more respectful about his questions but it was clear that he agreed with their sentiments. Making big moves was too risky. “I may take a harsher attitude, Sire, but …

Chapter 134: Rhydian States His Case

“I think it was mostly luck.” Braydon was glad that it had gone the way it had so far too. He would be much more comfortable having Rhydian command the army than someone who he knew little about, even if they did have a good reputation. “Oh?” Nela knew that everything had an element of chance but to attribute it …

Chapter 133: A Small Break

“And that leaves us with two candidates then.” The King announced with some exhaustion. It had only been a couple of hours since they started nominating people to be the leader of the army but it felt to him more like a century.  The fact that he even had to go through the process of the noble nominating candidates showed …

Chapter 132: I nominate…

“Does anyone else think there a worthy man in the room to lead us?” The King was getting a bit anxious seeing Braydon and Ethan muttering amongst themselves whilst not actually nominating someone. Being the King, he would prefer if it was one of his allies that lead the army than one of the less reliable northeastern lords. It was …