Chapter 131: Challenged Authority?

“What did you say?!” The King let the fact that the servant had barged into the room shouting slip, what he had said was far more important.  “T-that Viscount Sharpe has taken his men and left.” The servant, who had just realised that he had barged into the room, stuttered over his words as he repeated what he had said. …

Chapter 130: Downs’ Debates

“But why should we split up our forces even more than they already are? Your Majesty yourself have said that it is unlikely to happen.” The opposition to Nela’s suggestions were strong. Given how unlikely it was for Duke Ryder to try and cross the river directly, many did not see why having some men guard the river when they …

Chapter 129: Ignominious Viscount Sharpe

“Let’s hope that things go better than they did yesterday.” Braydon muttered to himself as he waited for the meeting to start. Viscount Sharpe had taken up a lot more of Gerald’s time than he had thought, and that meant that getting Gerald to do his work turned into that work just not being done at all. “Well you probably …

Chapter 128: ‘Venerable’ Viscount Sharpe

“And you expect me to side with you?” Braydon was beyond flabbergasted. Even the most stupid of the nobility shouldn’t have thought it okay to order around another lord’s knight, it wasn’t like the man was trying to make a statement to Braydon either. Braydon might have understood it if Viscount Sharpe was trying to offend him but from how …

Chapter 127: ‘Grave Disrespect’

“Something tells me that I won’t be allowed in the next meeting?” Nela half asked and half stated. And she was right, there was no reason for their conversation to have only been with the King if she were allowed to be a part of the general meeting of all the lords. “Good guess, it’s not likely that you would …

Chapter 126: What Would You Suggest?

“You think you know what he wants to do?” The King looked somewhat sceptical. If it were that easy to figure out what Duke Ryder was planning, then he would not be in the midst of a civil war. “More specifically, I think there are two likely ways that he plans to attack. Firstly, he could be planning to go …

Chapter 125: Have You Even Eaten Yet?

“Then we are done for now?” Nela asked when she saw Braydon had not moved onto any other pressing matters. If her speculations were true then it would not particularly change anything about their situation, but it would mean that the war as a whole would be slightly harder fought. With Earl Blake almost assuredly not a contender anymore and …

Chapter 124: The Duke’s Pawn

“Any bad blood, you say?” Braydon paused to think if he had heard any rumours about that but nothing came to mind. He knew that that might not mean much, considering his lack of general knowledge about most of the nobility, but these were two of the most prominent men in the Kingdom. If there was something major, he was …

Chapter 123: Getting Up to Speed

“Where should we start?” Braydon pondered aloud once they had found a room and sat down to discuss, there had been quite a lot of things that had happened over the past months and he had no clue how much Nela had been paying attention to outside matters. At the very least, he knew that she liked to keep tabs …

Chapter 122: Awkward Morning

“Why is it that nobody in Mapjess wants to drink with me?” Gerald sighed as he looked for the next place to hide as he drank whatever alcohol he had found that morning. That he had found it in the morning was the very reason that nobody wanted to drink with him, not that Gerald was going to care what …