Chapter 121: Missed me?

Braydon was wandering slowly through the halls of the lord’s mansion. Even though he had been harsh with Nela, he himself did not like the idea of Cinar being in harm’s way either. He might not know him as well as Nela or the King did, but it was hard not to like the man. And the past several weeks …

Chapter 120: Keep an Eye on Her

“Where is my father?” As soon as they were in a private room, Nela immediately asked the question at the front of her mind. She may not have noticed the hints that Roan had been giving her, but she had definitely noticed it when she failed to see her father in the study with Braydon and the King. He was …

Chapter 119: The Lord, the King or Your Father?

“As Nela and Roan approached the gates of Mapjess, they were quickly noticed by the guards who let them through without troubles. There was only a select number of people who could be coming from Cliforge Castle in a carriage and none of them were people that the guards could afford to inconvenience, nor did they have reason to. “He …

Chapter 118: What? I Truly Was This Time

“Welcome back, that took less time than you expected.” As the group returned to Cliforge castle, they were greeted by Gerald who had seen them off earlier that morning. Since Nela had not come back in so long and the apparent avoidance of her father, Lani had assumed that it would take at least a day to convince her and …

Chapter 117: Stop hiding, come back!

“I see that you have finally decided to return.” Father Odom said as he saw Nela instructing the servants to prepare for her to leave. For the past few weeks she had been staying in the temporary residence that had been built for those working on the construction along with the Father. As the school would be built a bit …

Chapter 116: Teach Me to Ride

“Are you really sure that this is a good idea?” Both Gerald and Roan gave Lani very sceptical looks. They knew that it was safe for two people to ride a horse together, but they had to be careful. Nela could be pretty protective of Mireille when she wanted to be and the consequences of upsetting Nela would be on …

Chapter 115: Lani Meets the Quiet Girl

“Welcome Countess Graham.” Gerald made a formal bow to Lani as she and Roan entered Cliforge Castle on their horses. He was just as surprised as Braydon had been to see her riding, but that was quickly replaced by intrigue. Having grown up with Braydon he shared a similar attitude towards most things, and his more playful nature meant that …

Chapter 114: If Nobody Else Wishes to Go Then I Will

“Are there any crossing points other than the road from Wathamalin?” Braydon asked, it would not be good if they overlooked somewhere when planning. When it came to Duke Ryder, it was always best to assume that he would not overlook the mistakes of his enemies. Even if he did miss something, he had many competent advisors. Any flaws in …

Chapter 113: Urgent Meeting

“I hope that things are sorted out quickly.” Braydon muttered to himself as he watched Lani and Roan ride away from the town walls. It was not too long later that a servant came rushing towards him, causing Braydon to sigh. ‘So the dispute is between two higher ranking nobles then?’ “Sire, His Majesty has requested your immediate presence.” as …

Chapter 112: Who Said We Need A Carriage?

“When should we set off?” This was the first thing that Roan said when he heard about Braydon and Lani’s intentions. Braydon already expected this as Roan was always like this when it came to his duties but it was still somewhat reassuring nonetheless.  “Preferably as soon as the two of you are able, we don’t know when the situation …