Chapter 111: She Noticed

“Lani Graham, now you are not a face I expected to see on our pirate ship.” Cinar greeted Lani as he and Braydon entered into the study. Since she had agreed to the measures that the King wanted to implement, she had spent more time hanging around in the study. Even if there was nothing for her to do, she …

Chapter 110: Cinar Returns

“Welcome Back. No big festivities for your return, I am afraid. The King wants to ask for your help.” Braydon welcomed Cinar back at the gates of Mapjess. He was glad that the man had returned so that he could get on with making sure that the various lords did not mess up his town. For the past few days …

Chapter 109: Aled’s Setback

“You look like you have faced rejection more times than you want to admit.” Braydon could not help but say it. As he walked into the study, He had been greeted by the sight of the King with his head in his hands letting out a sigh. And if the past few days had been anything to go from, then …

Chapter 108: The King’s Ambitious Proposal

“Now that I have shared all of the bad news that I have received, can either of you share something more positive?” The King had nothing more to share that was of importance, much to Braydon and Ethan’s delight. Braydon didn’t know about Ethan but he was about ready to break something if there was news worse than his brother …

Chapter 107: From Bad to Worse

“Is this news reliable?” Braydon asked, he could not help it. It was so far out of left field that he did not even think it a possibility. Even though he knew that the King would not have told him had he not been sure that it was true, he had to check. “It is as good as true even …

Chapter 106: Burn’s Speculation

“So you are telling me that he is refusing to even hold any kind of negotiation with us?” Duke Burn looked at the messenger before him in confusion. Normally it was him who pulled out the unexpected moves, but this time he had been taken aback. And not by anyone that he considered a worthy opponent or a skilled strategist, …

Chapter 105: Nela’s Worries

“You know it has been a week since Lord Braydon has returned right?” Father Odom asked Nela as they were walking around what was currently a construction site. They had chosen the site that the school would be located and were now overseeing it’s construction. Even if neither of them had any expertise in building, they both had found a …

Chapter 104: Lani Arrives

“I have to say, Lani, I did not expect to see you taking part.” Braydon said as he welcomed her into lord’s mansion in Mapjess. He knew that she would likely try to help him in some regard due to their friendship, but actively take part?  “I am full of surprises.” She smiled in response, looking as laid back as …

Chapter 103: Like Father, Like Daughter

“Have we gotten any positive responses back yet?” The King asked, they had been waiting for a week for the knights that had been sent out to return. And now the first few were beginning to come back after visiting the lords that they were tasked with convincing. It would take time for all of the knights to return, the …

Chapter 102: Returning With More Than He Left With

“Errm… Jason, is it me or that is more men than the lord left with?” One of the guards asked his companion as they stood on the walls of Mapjess looking at the approaching army in the distance.  “I may not be educated either but that does not look like 100 men.” As the army came closer they saw just …