Chapter 101: Idle Speculation

“How many do you think will actually decide to join us?” Ethan asked nobody in particular, they were on their way to Kirton and normal conversation would have felt meaningless. So, instead he decided to talk about the one thing that would definitely not be considered meaningless. “I think it is going to be roughly all or nothing. If enough …

Chapter 99: How the Mighty Have Fallen

“… it was clear that the victor was Duke Ryder.” The scout reported the outcome of the battle and it was obvious from his expression that it was an unexpected victory. “Clear victor? How can that be? Even if they were taken off guard, Casburland is not known for being inflexible in battle. They would not be such a headache …

Chapter 100: Recruiting Allies

“A knight of Braydon’s is always a welcome friend in Dulkan. Though I presume that you have been sent means that things are complicated in the north?” Viscount Ellis welcomed Rhydian, he remembered him from Braydon’s trip to his territory as an arbiter in his dispute. And knowing that a knight had been sent as a messenger, he knew that …

Chapter 98: The Victor Was…

“You look relieved, your majesty!” Cinar greeted with as much energy as always, noting that the King looked happy to see them. And it was not hard for them to guess why King Aled was relieved. “How did you cunning bastards manage to sneak your way here without provoking Duke Ryder?” Aled laughed in return, glad to see that nothing …

Chapter 97: The Eastern Question

“In the end it still happened.” Aled said with a sigh as he looked back at the ongoing battle. He was not sure if Duke Oakley had survived but at this point it did not really matter. His forces were decimated and no matter who came out on top between Casburland and Duke Ryder, it was not a good thing …

Chapter 96: Bonkers Battle Tactics

“Reform your lines!” Aled shouted, trying not to sound as frantic as he felt. He was glad that he did not have to join the battle in any real measure as King, it meant that he could get his scout’s report as soon as possible. And with Duke Ryder’s men fast approaching, every second mattered. “Archers provide cover, ignore their …

Chapter 95: Stalemate

“Sire, the battle has begun. We move on your order.” A knight reported to Duke Ryder, who was already waiting in formation with his army. By his side was his own personal guard, something that he had kept a secret from everybody until this point. Even his own allies had been shocked to find that he had built one in …

Chapter 94: Invasion Begins

“Your Majesty, the enemy have started to form up.” A messenger came into Aled’s tent to inform him of the enemy movements. “So it seems.” Aled was already wearing full armour, just waiting for the day’s main event to start. He had not been able to sleep well the previous night and had woken up early, and it would seem …

Chapter 93: Waiting for Dawn

“Long time no see, Braydon!” Cinar greeted Braydon with gusto, causing him to wonder if this was a permanent feature when the man greeted people. “Indeed, though I doubt you will get rid of me that easily this time.” Braydon’s response was equally ironic. These were not the circumstances that he wanted to be meeting in, and from the more …

Chapter 92: Under the Veil of Night

“Have our scouts found where Duke Ryder is hiding?” Braydon asked Rhydian. They still didn’t know if Duke Ryder was truly going to try and pull something but the actions of the King did not inspire confidence. It was better to be safe than sorry here. “Nothing yet. If he is going to make a move then it will be …