Chapter 91: Battlefield of Cloak and Dagger

“They are still unaware?” Duke Ryder asked once again, he could not help it. If what he was planning was found out beforehand, it was pretty much over for him. He was not worried that the King would have found out, but the King was not the only person that he had to keep his guard up against. He had …

Chapter 90: A Threat from Behind?

“So you are saying that we are going to be sat in a castle, miles away from the battle, watching from the side lines?” Braydon asked, he knew that he should be happy about this, but he couldn’t. A fondness of battle was one of his weaknesses, one kept in check by Rhydian. And had Rhydian not been stood beside …

Chapter 89: Stopgaps and Countermeasures

“What does he mean he might be late!? He knows full well that without his men we are at a disadvantage in numbers! This is not the time to be playing politics.” Duke Oakley slammed his fist on the table, completely enraged with the antics of Duke Ryder. Though, he conveniently forgot that he was also playing politics when he …

Chapter 88: Ducal Power and Ducal Arrogance

“Impressive indeed, and how many men do you have armed with these ‘crossbows’?” As everyone was discussing the new toy that Duke Oakley now had, one voice pierced through the crowd. From his tone, it was clear that he was trying to gain attention more than he wanted a response. And the look of disgust that appeared on almost everyone’s …

Chapter 87: The Old Trout’s Game Changer

“You are likely all aware of our situation, so I need not speak more to it right now. As we speak, the southern lords should be sending men to bolster our numbers, that means that whilst they are not here it would be wise to keep your men on alert. I do not want to wake up to find that …

Chapter 86: Meeting of the Laymen

As they walked into the central tent of the King’s encampment, the smell of wine blasted them. Braydon had heard the chatter of the other nobles from quite a distance but the smell of wine only really hit when the entrance flap was lifted. As Cinar had predicted, later that night the King had summoned all of the present nobles …

Chapter 85: Her Father

As they were making their way to Marquess Burgess’s camp Braydon spent more time inspecting the camps of the other nobles that had arrived before him. And one thing stood out in particular, nobody had brought very many men at all. Barons and viscounts were not really expected to have many men to begin with, but even the earls had …

Chapter 84: The Grand Army Camp

“We should probably head out soon. With this many men, long distance travel at night is not an option.” Braydon, wearing in his full armour, said to Rhydian. They were both on their horses watching his men get in formation lower down the slope from Cliforge Castle.  “Are you sure that you don’t want any more hugs before you go?” …

Chapter 83: Don’t Go

Most of the things that needed doing were done or being done, and now Braydon did not know what to do with himself. He couldn’t start any large projects right now since he would be going to the northern border in the next week or two and he’d be damned if he started writing more letters. As he was drumming …

Chapter 82: Major Escalation

Casburland was massing troops on the border. News like this was never going to stay quiet for long, and it didn’t. The northern lords sent pleas for help as soon as they found out, fearful for their livelihood. However Aled had received the news by this point, not from the nobles to the north but by carrier pigeon. The bird …