Chapter 71: Tracing the Princess’s Journey

“We’ve managed to track down the merchants, Sire.” The messenger reported to Governor Wilcox. It was the same messenger who had brought the news of the princess’s escape method, though this time he was much less afraid. He had something more positive to report. “What are you on about?” It had been a long time since he had given the …

Chapter 70: Galley Slaves

“Arrgh!” A pirate ran at Braydon from behind, sword raised above his head, while he was dealing with another in front of him. Apparently nobody had told him that if you yell it gives away the surprise. And he was then surprised to find that Braydon turned around and stabbed him in the chest before he could bring down his …

Chapter 69: Kick His Teeth In

“Pirates? Around here?” Captain was surprised, why would pirates venture so close to Fiverian or Imperial waters. Both Barakhil and Fiveria’s Dukes maintained strong navies, and the relative poverty compared to northern countries meant that pirates were a rare sight in the southern sea.  “Coming straight for us, seems that they have seen us too.” The first mate had handed …

Chapter 68: Pirates …Ah Pirates!

“You got any interesting stories, Captain?” It had been two day since they had set off on their journey and Braydon was starting to get bored. The ocean was beautiful, yes, but that was contingent on not having it as almost the only scenery at all times. The only thing that made for a different view was that they were …

Chapter 67: Set Sail

As it turned out, Lani did own a ship, Milmond was much closer to the rich cities than Dulkan and was a city itself. Viscount Ellis owned a few small vessels, but nothing that would survive further downstream, let alone in the southern sea. It had been decided that Braydon and Nela would be going to Narabun, accompanied by Steven, …

Chapter 66: Easy, Just Grow Wings

“How do we get there?” This was a question that had stumped Braydon for a few days. It was all well and good deciding that he would go to Narabun to negotiate but he had to find a way there first. He could not just cross the border, there was a civil war going on and the noble alliance controlled …

Chapter 65: Two Birds with One Stone

“… and that is what happened.” Braydon finished informing Rhydian and Colin of what happened during their time in the capital. Rhydian had joined them on the way to the castle when they stopped by Mapjess to  check if he was there, Nela had told him all about the none official business that they had done on the way back. …

Chapter 64: Return Journey

Braydon once again found himself sitting in his carriage, looking at Nela who watched Boshil recede into the distance. They had been in the capital for a week but it felt as if it was both shorter and longer than that, at the same time. If nothing else happened it would be a long while before he returned to the …

Chapter 63: Mother’s Matter

“I did not think that you two would know of such a place, while business is good here, most people go to more grand places.” Lani expressed her surprise, she had not expected to meet them here. She had thought it would be more likely to find them in more well known areas, like the Royal Library or a well …

Chapter 62: Enjoying Freedom

“Who do we talk to first?” They had just finished a light breakfast early in the morning. Braydon had woken up because Nela had made sure that he drank the exact same tea that he had yesterday and gotten him to recite it’s name every time he drank it. She had given him four cups.  “Well, we could talk to …