Chapter 61: Pay Attention

“She was much more talkative than I had imagined.” Braydon commented as they were once again in his carriage, moving slowly through the city. The streets were crowded at all times of the day but were slightly easier to move through later on. Nela had been staring out of the carriage catching glimpses of the setting sun as they made …

Chapter 60: Oddballs of the Nobility

When they were walking around the gardens, Countess Graham and Nela made a lot of small talk. Braydon did occasionally join in but he felt very out of place in the conversation; outside of Nela, he did not have much contact with noble ladies. When growing up, he had very much been the spare of ‘the heir and the spare’, …

Chapter 59: The Countess’s Invitation

“Now that we have received all the information I think we are going to get, unless the person in question shows up, I think it is time to wrap this up.” Aled wanted to make sure that this was over with before Earl Blake managed to find another lousy excuse. It would never end if he allowed that.  “It is …

Chapter 58: Stellar Performance

“You have said that should Jett Blake try to enter any lands or properties that you own, you will use force to drive him out. Is there a particular reason for that? To the best of my knowledge he only committed minor offences against you.” “That would relate directly to the accusations he made of Lady Nela, your Majesty. The …

Chapter 57: Before the Royal Court

A servant led them to the great hall, they would be going straight to the royal court. Sessions started in the morning and ended before noon. Their travel had been specifically timed so that they would arrive in the morning rather than the afternoon. Braydon did not have any property in the capital, another thing that had been inherited by …

Chapter 56: Reflections on Nela’s Past

Braydon once again found himself in his carriage, on the way to the capital, though, this time he was with Nela. He found it funny that the most frequent thing he did was go to the capital, most other nobles could go years at a time just staying in their local area, but this was his third trip within several …

Chapter 55: Course of Action

Was his life always going to be this busy? Braydon had serious reservations about it, he had not rested for the past two months and now he had more to do than he did when he started. There was trade in the south, which he had been putting off for a long time due to other matters. It felt like …

Chapter 54: Silver Lining

“If he ever tries to step foot in one of my holdings again, make sure Jett Blake is barred entry. Under no circumstances do I want to see him anywhere near my people.” Braydon issued orders to the castle guards. Though he was also speaking to Rhydian, he would make sure that everyone knew of his order. What the cretin …

Chapter 53: She Does Not Want to Marry You

As  Braydon walked up to the main door of the great hall, he could hear the conversation inside. Not because the door was ajar, he would still not hear small conversation from outside, but one whiny voice was piercing enough that he couldn’t miss it. “It has been several hours now, my love. Where is this Viscount that has kept …

Chapter 52: The Philandering Fiancé

Patrols were dull. Very dull. Braydon had found that out when he ended up joining one of the patrol groups in Kirton. Of course that was because Kirton was much more peaceful than the border with Shuluk. The only reason why there were so many patrols here was because it was a newly acquired territory. Any other comparable territory already …