Chapter 51: A Letter From a Different Monarch

Braydon did not want to meet another lord for a long time. He’d had enough of them after having met and entertained about 20 over the past month. As soon as he had finished writing letters in reply they had started turning up. It had been a month and a half that had consisted of writing letters and entertaining nobles …

Chapter 50: Search High and Low

Governor Wilcox was not in a good mood. He had just received the words that the king had said when he heard that the princess had run away. How was he even supposed to find her in a short amount of time? It had been several months at this point. She could be anywhere in northern eastern or western Ezaes …

Chapter 49: Mireille’s Starry Eyes

“Whilst I do not mind out pleasantries, I am sure that you came to see me for more than just exchanging nice words. The messenger said something about discussing your iron?” Aled decided that they should get on with the discussion. Any additional pleasantries could happen after they had spoken about Braydon’s purpose for coming. “It is true, I came …

Chapter 48: Mireille Stands Out

“Have you thought about the situation in the south at all?” Nela asked Braydon as they spoke in his study. It was not what he expected her to talk about, she had been spending most of her time working on looking at the state of the Grand Duchy. He didn’t know where this had come from. “Not much, I haven’t …

Chapter 47: Return From Dulkan

“What do you think of trying to ally with Viscount Ellis?” Braydon asked Rhydian, they had been travelling back to his fief after the treaty in Dulkan. They were now sitting around the campfire, eating the rations that they had brought with them for the journey back.  “He is probably one of the best chances that you will have of …

Chapter 46: The Escapades of Viscount Ellis

“So why did you ask me to do this?” Braydon asked Viscount Ellis as they watched Earl Kline’s carriage turn a corner down the street. He had remained suspicious at why he had been asked to be witness to this. Sure, getting a witness to a deal or treaty was good when you were sure the other side would break …

Chapter 45: River of Peace and Wealth

One week later and Braydon found himself looking over River Harmony. He had crossed it a couple of times now, going between the east and west of Fiveria but had never actually looked at it properly. Now he had to take notice of it, his iron would be shipped down this river regardless of if the treaty was broken. At …

Chapter 44: Word From Dulkan

Braydon had left Nela’s plans to her, it was impossible to start now anyway. He knew nothing of the state of the church in Shuluk, nor did any of his subordinates. It would become Nela’s new research project. They could not just choose any random clergyman and hope for the best, a specific kind of personality was needed. Studying the …

Chapter 43: Stepping on Toes

Priests were few in Fiveria, they had been for a long time now. But their small numbers did not mean that their influence was small. Anything but. With the exception of the guilds in Wathamalin, the clergy were the only ones who had managed to keep a large influence in Fiveria in spite of the great power that the nobles …

Chapter 42: Tight on Talent

Since returning from Mapjess, Braydon had finally managed to find some time to relax. While there were many ongoing problems, nothing needed his immediate attention, or they could not be solved with immediate attention in the first place. This had managed to take him through to the new year, when he received a letter from the crown. It was a …