Chapter 209: His Days Planned Out

“Other than making Gerald cry, how did meeting the village elders go?” Braydon’s chamberlain asked him. He had intended to speak to Colin about it the day before but he and Nela drank a bit too much for him to think about that. Or at least that’s what he told himself as he went to sleep the night before; when …

Chapter 208: A Little Prank

“Are you sure that there was a point to today?” Gerald asked Braydon as they made their way back through the Cliforge Pass towards the castle at the other side. He had thought that they would have finished simple greetings with the 5 village elders hours earlier than they had. It was just simple greetings for most of them, how …

Chapter 213: And So It Begins

“As I have previously stated in my letter, I wished to speak to you about letting Fiverian merchants start trading with Shuluk once more.” Braydon started out with the first thing that he had wanted to speak to the Regent about. “We are in a private carriage guarded only by people that I trust, can we not speak about the …

Chapter 207: Greeting the Elders

“Finally got around to doing your actual job?” Gerald asked when he saw that Braydon was going out to meet the elders of the various villages in Cliforge. Braydon was unsure where Gerald had been hiding for the past few days but he doubted that Gerald was doing his job either. “I am. And since you mentioned doing your job, …

Chapter 206: A Conversation

“So this was your ‘plans for the rest of the day’?” Nela had to ask when she found Braydon and Rhydian training in the courtyard. Or Rhydian training Braydon, more accurately. She had asked Colin what Braydon was up too and since he was not bothering her, ‘plans’ could only mean one thing. *pant* “Part of them.” Braydon took a …

Chapter 205: Catching Up with Cliforge

“So how busy have things been in my absence?” After two days of rest, Braydon finally sat down to work once more. Colin could do a lot of things in his stead but there were a number of things that needed his personal sign off or a decision to be made that could not be done without him. He almost …

Chapter 204: Lani’s Farewell

“I take it that you guys have enjoyed yourselves.” Once they returned, they were greeted by Lani, who looked dotingly at Mireille. Apparently, they had bonded over riding horses. Though considering that Braydon had just been riding with the young woman, he could see why. “Yes.” Mireille nodded. She still had a hint of the smile that she had been …

Chapter 203: Mireille’s Memories

“What? Upset that it wasn’t some romanticised story?” Braydon looked across at Mireille as they rode along at a leisurely pace. It had been some minutes since he had finished telling her what happened when he found her but she had not said a word. Nor were her expressions particularly telling when trying to guess her thoughts. “Would have been …

Chapter 203: Mireille’s Memories

“What? Upset that it wasn’t some romanticised story?” Braydon looked across at Mireille as they rode along at a leisurely pace. It had been some minutes since he had finished telling her what happened when he found her but she had not said a word. Nor were her expressions particularly telling when trying to guess her thoughts. “Would have been …

Chapter 202: What Happened Before You Found Me?

“So where are we going? Around Kirton or Cliforge?” Braydon asked Mireille. She had made sure to keep him to his word the day before about going riding together. And Braydon was more than happy to go along. Considering that he had taken her in, he had not been able to spend much time together with her. He at least …