Chapter 201: A Relaxed Homecoming

“You know, for the lord of this place, it feels like I spend more time away than I do here.” Braydon spoke as he got down from his carriage. It had been a long time since he had stayed for longer than a day in his own castle. “That is because it is true. You have spent more time outside …

Chapter 200: Brother’s End

“Did you enjoy making me a spectacle in front of all of the other has-beens of Fiveria?” Once Braydon alighted from the carriage again, George immediately got back to antagonising him. Even in the most dire circumstances he was not going to humble himself before his younger brother.  “You do that yourself, George. Now I am slightly curious, did you …

Chapter 199: Hello George

“They should be dumping them any time now.” Braydon had had his carriage driver move slower on purpose so that they would not pass by his brother. He had waited far too long to get at George for him to slip away for such a mundane reason. “Someone’s eager.” Nela looked at him. It was rare for Braydon to get …

Chapter 198: Half a Day Away

“Impressive to see.” Braydon knew that there would be a lot of people on the chopping block but it was still something else to see them all in one place. He and Nela stood aside, watching the procession of traitors who had been moved from the dungeon for the King to give down his verdict. Unsurprisingly, there was nowhere near …

Chapter 197: The Palace Once More

“You know, I think I know why you were fine letting me do a lot of the talking when we first met.” Nela smiled once they got back into the carriage for the trip back to his mansion. “And that would be?” Braydon asked, looking considerably more worn out than Nela was. He was honestly quite glad that they had …

Chapter 196: Amicable Relations

“That is indeed rather kind of you.” Downs nodded as if he thought Braydon was offering this from the goodness of his heart. “I only wish to know where my help would be burdensome, so that we can come to an amicable solution.” Braydon was glad that his proposition had not been turned down out of hand. He had not …

Chapter 195: A Recurring Theme

“Earl Braydon. Now here is a man I did not expect to see today. To what do I owe the pleasure.” Marquess Downs welcomed as they entered the room. “Quite the contrary. You are the first person that I have come to see after visiting the palace this morning. How could I not congratulate you on your new title.” Braydon smiled …

Chapter 194: The Balance of Power

“So? Who are we meeting first?” Nela asked as they once again returned to Braydon’s carriage. Even if they had wanted to bother the King for much longer, there was a long line of other lords that wanted his time. So they decided to leave slightly earlier and get on with seeing the litany of lords that Braydon at least …

Chapter 193: Matchmaking Monarch

*cough* Braydon coughed to hide any unwanted reaction whilst Nela was more than happy to look anywhere else in the room. It was not like neither of them understood that most people would think that they were actively courting each other. But to hear it said directly to their face? By one of her father’s closest friends? Braydon was alright …

Chapter 192: The King’s Stance

“Braydon! Nela! Come join me.” The King stood momentarily when they entered the drawing room, inviting them to sit with him. It was apparent that he had been enjoying the new found respect of nobles that had previously been very indifferent to him. Even if everyone knew that their personal feelings had not changed all that much. “Long overdue?” Braydon …