Chapter 50

Someone, who looked like in his mid-fifties, with his thinning hair combed forward to the middle of his forehead, approached Mel step by step with a crooked smile on his face. “Second Great!” “Second Great!” “Second Great!” The three Heads of Departments chanted the same name in unison. Their eyes were looking down as they bowed. “I thought that you …

Chapter 49

“Sir!” “Move over, Louise!” As the young Master stepped aside with respect, the old man appeared beside Mel, almost stepping on Louise. He was not alone. There were two more people; a man and a woman were also with him. “Boy, how about you quit the Plant Department and become a fighter?” The man, wearing a red leather vest with …

Chapter 48

The approach of the unexpected Spirit Boat towards the academy created a feeling of joy in some, anger in some, and panic in others. “An unknown Spirit Boat is approaching. Take a defensive formation!” A shout rose from the site where members of the Fighter Department were standing. Apparently, they had perceived the boat carrying ten young children as a …

Chapter 47

The burly man approached Mel’s ear and whispered something. They were communicating so quietly that no one but the two could hear what was being spoken. Mel first thought a bit, and then nodded as a sign of approval. Hereupon, Big Joe shouted to his assistant. “Go with my chap and take them to the academy!” “But boss, I have…!” …

Chapter 46

One of the noble children put his hand on the Spirit Boat and shouted with a tone everyone could hear. Then the laughter began to fade away as he was the last to ride. The ten children could just stare behind the sailing boats. No one told them about this on their way here, but one of them was shaking …

Chapter 45

While Mel retreated into his own shell, the world kept turning without caring about him. At noon, while the sun was sending its rays over the settlement, the shadows of two people were meddling on the battlefield. “You should be proud that you have compelled me that much!” Edgan was holding his sword in front of his face, while his …

Chapter 44

“Are you crazy? What are you trying to do?” Nalt rushed forward with his eyes wide open upon the last move of his friends with whom they laughed and had fun until yesterday. “You will pay for this, or you cannot get out of here!” Half of the group, taking the cutting tools in their hands, ran and lined up …

Chapter 43

“3 points!” “2 points!” The three officials were busy evaluating the samples and announcing the results quickly. Unlike the previous ones, they were acting swiftly. “5 points but what a shame! If the final component of the 18th blend had been hammered a little more, it would definitely score 6!” Hearing this, a boy hurried forward. Apparently, it was his …

Chapter 41

When the Spirit of the Forest spoke, other children were in the joy of learning the first blend. “Guys, I have to meditate to remember other recipes. You go over the first one again!” Mel walked under the waterfall at a calm pace. His inner distress was reflected on his face. “I’m listening, Spirit of the Forest.” His voice was …

Chapter 42

When Mel’s and Maria Gloove’s eyes met; the young girl was arrogant and angry, but Mel was very calm. The beautiful girl knew that this was her last chance to beat her rival. The Young Master emphasized once again the importance of the test ahead. “Today we may be witnessing a historical moment, even though I firmly believe that it …