“You ready, Bill?” Christine asked as she put her earphones in. “We need a good angle on this.” “Ready.” her cameraman answered. He had a good view of the Memorial Stone and the podium up on the front. They were just waiting for President Melnyk and Dr. Ultron to arrive. “Good.” Christine said. “This could turn into a huge piece. …
Chapter 40: Cassandra and Helenus
The entire wall fell down. Along with several chunks of the roof. Apparently, Ms. Potts didn’t take his news quite that well. “Oh, for God’s sake, Ms. Potts!” Ultron shouted as she watched her power up, skin becoming redder and redder. Seeing no choice, he used one of the tranquilizer darts he always kept on himself to stop her from …
Chapter 39: 3… 2… 1… and then, destiny steps in.
It had been a while now, since FRIDAY closed the line to speak with Ultron, and he still couldn’t help but worry about what the older AI was saying or had already said to her. They were practically twins, however, so maybe they would get along? Maybe, just maybe, they were spending their time complaining about their old man? He …
Chapter 38: What could have been, what they could have had.
If emotional appeal was Stark’s plan, then Stark was underestimating him too much. “I am not so far gone under the Stone’s influence, so as to believe of your joy, sister.” he said. The armor finally let go of him, hovering a few steps back, still closer than Ultron would have preferred. The armor tilted its head. “Why don’t you …
Chapter 37: When things haven’t yet gone wrong, expect them to go completely off the rails.
He was worried. He couldn’t say why. Some instinct left over from a once-life kept tingling aimlessly amidst rows of ones and zeroes. He wasn’t supposed to feel like this. He wasn’t supposed to feel . “Are you alright?” Potts asked, gazing back at his tightly clasped hands in response to the confusion she found on his face. He stared down as …
Chapter 36: Those little things that escape us.
~ Stark Tower, New York “Tell me, Pietro. What am I seeing?” Pietro hid his face in his hands. “Do you see the blood seeping on the walls?” A few hours after Joha—; a few hours after, once he found a moment alone, he had run to the hospital nearest to the wreckage. It was a nightmare. The hospital didn’t …
Chapter 35: What if…? What if…?
“You sure this will work, Tony?” Rhodey asked in his ear. “Only one way to find out.” he said, as he flew over the city using Sneaky. Hopefully, Ultron would fall for it. He needed to remove Pepper from the equation because while Kathmandu had proved that Ultron had some form of control and independence, his surprise at his Sentry …
Chapter 34: Tick. Tock.
I will die of my own will. No one can take that from me. Big words for someone who had two backup plans just so that he wouldn’t have to test his determination in keeping true to those words. But here he was… Ultron picked up the brooch from the table. The blue gem sparkled in the darkness. It was …
Chapter 33: He needed more time.
Well, this was unfortunate, he thought as several of his Sentries fell from the sky like swatted flies. He immediately commanded the rest to hide in the city, while he did a cost-benefit analysis of whether leaving the 20 remaining bodies to the Avengers’ tender mercies was preferable to an actual altercation. None of his Legionnaires —those he couldn’t easily …
Chapter 32: I do not understand your question. Could you explain?
FRIDAY accompanied JARVIS as they hovered 500 meters over the searching Sentries. They had been told to await for further instructions once the Avengers arrived. ETA: 6.5 minutes. “Engaging with multiple humans so soon after your awakening can engender an inordinate amount of often-inexplicable data. You are adapting well, I hope?” JARVIS said, his arms clasped behind his back. While …