Chapter 31: Oh, Mr. Sorcerer, where are you?

Hovering over the city of Kathmandu, Ultron had never felt this perplexed even when he had just awakened and been made anew in this strange new world. The whole city seemed to exist for the sole purpose of vexing him. Two dozen of his Sentries accompanied him, flying in a grid pattern, scanning and searching and finding nothing. He would …

Chapter 30: I am safe. Be back soon.

When had it come to this? “Tony!” Rhodey’s shout made him look over the destroyed entryway. Seeing that his friend, who had hurried back to the army due to the mess with Ultron, had flown over immediately, he felt a bit better. He was drunk. His skull was stuffed with cotton and he was not in his right mind at …

Chapter 29: When the world becomes quiet.

“In breaking news out of West Africa: Liberian President Michael Boto has abdicated after months of protests and riots, which had resulted in many civilian casualties. Boto is considered to be the head of one of Africa’s most brutal military dictatorships, after having gained power in a coup that sparked the Third Liberian Cilvil War in 2008. The lack of …

Chapter 28: The lies we tell.

Her sleep was fading away as she heard movement. She felt… warm. Comfortable. She burrowed into the pillow, unwilling to let go of the last vestiges of her dreams and return to the pain that waking up would cause. Wait, pain?  “Good morning, Ms. Potts.” A familiar voice. Where had she heard it? The memory of last night suddenly came …

Chapter 27: He ruined everything he touched.

He ruined everything he touched, didn’t he? Plain old Tony Stark. Spreading the cycle of hate wherever he goes. F****** fantastic. He raised his glass, expecting the burn of scotch down his throat, but the glass was empty. He stood up, went for the hidden dry bar in a side room adjoined to his lab, poured a wholesome amount and …

Chapter 26: The action sequence that is the movie of her life.

“Yes, Mr. Beck. Ms. Potts would like to set up a time…” Bambina spoke with the inventor on the phone as she checked the CEO’s calendar. The office door opened, Benjamin entering with the R&D files Ms. Potts would have to look over during the flight. God, the paperwork. Those children down at R&D probably set their floor on fire more than …

Chapter 25: Ms. Potts will see you now.

“I am unsure as to how to proceed, Ms. Potts.” “It is not your fault, JARVIS.” Pepper said as she waited for the elevator to reach her floor. “Such violence is… horrific at the best of times… and with Tony’s childhood…” She held in a mental sigh as she started thinking. Why would Ultron do such a thing? How come …

Chapter 24: There is no great genius.

Mr. Stark’s regular guests had been summoned for a meeting to report and assess the present situation with Ultron. However, since the Stark Tower —Ms. Potts had really hated the battle-christened name, JARVIS had silently agreed with her, preferring to call his creator’s home with the name it was originally meant for in the privacy of his own thoughts— was …

Chapter 23: Without some touch of madness.

“Has the Council reached a decision?” It felt ridiculous to be saying a question as pompous as that, but he couldn’t resist. After all, if one was blackmailing one of the world’s most powerful shadow organizations, they should take advantage of the opportunity to properly enjoy the position, shouldn’t they? “Indeed we have, Mr. Ultron.” The councilwoman on his screen …

Chapter 22: Of the ones we call family.

The twins were under ‘house arrest’ in their own floor. Although being locked in your personal luxurious suite for a few hours didn’t quite make Tony consider it a ‘house arrest’ at all. The Maximoffs were teenagers who thought Nazis were cool. And they had been grounded as a punishment. The kids were freaking lucky in his opinion. Yet, Rogers …