Chapter 109 – Unexpected Meeting

After we killed the Violet Tattooed Bear, we entered the Valley and finally arrived at the Core Layer of the Sunset Monster Mountain Range. During our journey through the Valley, we only saw several General Level monsters that ran away when they sensed our aura. “Now what?” I asked Hela as I looked around the enormous mountains; even the smallest …

Chapter 108 – Playing Monster Hunter

When I first entered the Sunset Monster Mountain Range, I was just a weak High-Class shortly after my rebirth. It was several years ago, but it seemed like decades to me. Now I was in the Satan-Class with combat prowess to defeat anyone at the same rank as me. “Last time I was here, it was when I was High-Class, …

Chapter 107 – Will you go kill monster with me?

Several months have passed. As planned, I gave fifty High-Grade Divine Crystals to Hela to reach Pinnace Intermediate God and see if she had a chance to reach Greater God before the Great War. Unfortunately for me, she told me to reach Greater God; she would need to condense new Divine Authority. For Innate Gods, this was impossible, as they …

Chatper 106 – That Went Well…

“Then I must thank you, Excellencies, and now we will take a leave.” I said as Grayfia and I teleported out. We appeared in the outskirts of the Gremory territory in the predestined location I set up. “That went well…” Said Grayfia from behind me. “Yes, but still, I hate gods. They always look down at us… just wait once …

Chapter 105 – Three Rulers of Takamagahara

Kyoto, Japan, 1 hour later “We need to go to the Temple. Its guardian should allow us to pass through to enter Takamagahara.” I said as we went through the night streets of Kyoto. Several city districts were fully lit up as it was night, and countless Yokai were strolling the streets. There were many species of them, as they …

Chapter 104 – Rich Loot

After killing the Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel, I went to the location where Grayfia was dealing with the weaker ones that were just on the Ultimate-Class or High-Class. Grayfia was much stronger than all Angels, so she killed them all with rather ease, and with one of the most basic spells of the Tier Magic System, called Counter Spell, she …

Chapter 103 – Killing Angels in Japan

“Come Grayfia… we are nearing the hole where Angels and Exorcists are coping up. We need to dye it red.” I said as we went on the move once more. Soon enough, we have come to see a small city, housing probably a few thousand people. What was interesting was there were several churches there, so we had just hit …

Chapter 102 – Territory of the Youkai

Several days later, outside Japan. “Do you think we can enter undetected, Zeoticus?” Asked me Grayfia as we stood outside Japan. Entire Japan was enveloped in the enormous magical barrier, whose purpose wasn’t blocking entries but rather scanning being and undercover those with magical power and alerting Shinto about them entering Japan. The barrier itself would activate the moment it …

Chapter 101 – Sneaky Grayfia

After finishing my spar with Hela, we went to have another study session as I was teaching her magic. Fortunately, she was catching on relatively fast, as I didn’t have a lot of patience. Her roots as Vanir helped her master magic rather fast, fortunately… *** Several days later Currently, I am preparing to take my trip to Japan, more …

Chapter 100 – Month Later, Spar with Hela (2)

In turn, for Hela to teach me how to fight close combat, I was helping her with her casting abilities. In truth, her abilities as a magician were messed up. She cast spells only by using brute force, which used too much energy for her. For example, an ordinary spell as Fireball for someone like her should be around 0,001 …