Chapter 280 – Battle of the End (2)

After it was bonded entirely down and two idiots outside couldn’t do s*** about that, I have slashed at its chest, creating a vast wound there as I looked at the cores. Trihexa had several cores, which represented all Laws it comprehended, though it couldn’t correctly use them. I saw there Law of Chaos, of course, but then also the …

Chapter 279 – Battle of the End (1)

The moment Diablo left, Malvezoa, Resetoras, and Trihexa, under the control of the Resetoras, instantly attacked me with energy attacks. I just grinned at that as I used Law of Devour to completely absorb their attacks, while at the same time, I used Rosenkreutz, my Mystic Code, to cast hundreds of Forbidden-Tier Spells; all of them were Bararaq Saiqa as …

Chapter 278 – The Last Loose Ends…(2)

Now that my familiars were as strong as they were, they could be deployed in real-time combat situations. In truth, once they have reached Tier 9, I plan to search for a sealed plane, which is similar to the civilization level as Earth right now, and unleash one of my familiars and army of monsters there. Mainly for s**** and …

Chapter 277 – The Last Loose Ends…(1)

Devils were species created for war. The Great Old One designed our Power System to have the strongest attributes of the Arcane Path, Warlock Path, and Evolutionary Path. As long as there were sufficient resources, it was easy for devils to advance almost effortlessly to Tier 8, aka Super Devil. After that, it was all about comprehending Laws, and that …

Chapter 276 – Family Talk…

Soon, we arrived with Hela at Yasaka’s Palace, where Rias and Yasaka were already waiting for us; probably, Rias thought I would come, so she went to wait for me there. “Your Imperial Majesties.” Bowed Yasaka as she welcomed Hela and me. “You don’t need to bow; we are basically family.” I said as Yasaka had a weird expression on …

Chapter 275 – The Emperor’s Blades

In their panic, magicians of Nilrem and Wizards of Oz started barraging Sardaukar with their magic spell, only for their shields, and Runic Armors shrugged them off like nothing. Soon enough, it was too late for the Wizards of OZ, Magicians of Nilrem, and others of the Utsuemi Agency, as the Sardaukar started engaging them in close combat. Every time …

Chapter 274 – Attack of the Unseen Enemies

“How did you find out?” Questioned Yasaka as she looked at the Princess of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, only subsequently to realize how stupid a question it was. “Actually, my father felt that someone was born to his line when little Kunou was born. But, something was wrong with her bloodline, so he didn’t pay a lot of …

Chapter 273 – End of the Pantheon

After Yasaka sent her daughter to play, Rias and Yasaka went to a more private place where they could talk freely. “Actually, my father sent me here for two things, one of them is more formal, and another is more personal. For the first, I will start with the formality. The Emperor of the Chthonian Empire is proposing for the …

Chapter 272 – Lady Yasaka

Several days later, after the meeting, the supernatural world was in a state of deep uneasiness. Soon news of Grigori merging into the Chthonian Empire and Angels of Heaven accepting peace with the Empire were known across the entire supernatural world. Of course, both Grigori and Heaven were weak compared to other factions; they could still be used to deal …

Chapter 271 – Meeting in the Yharnam

After I left Kuoh Town, I went to Romania, to Yharnam. Blood Kin Races were someone who I intended to absorb into the Chthonian Empire a long time ago, even more than Fallen Angels. On top of their military strength, they had two beings on the same level as me, even though they were currently injured. Two Grand Prince Kindreds, …