Chapter 60 – Landing at Ihor, Attacking a Tribe

Yestera Plane, Ihor Subcontinent, Western Region If one looked from the coast of the Western Region of the Ihor Subcontinent, on the horizon, you could see three humongous spaceships appearing as they were slowly flying towards the land. I observed the area, not finding anything weird; there weren’t enemies, so that was good. General Borke Zagan was standing next to …

Chapter 59 – First Flight

The next day, I was standing in the command center of one of three Lunar-Class Cruisers. I was sitting on the throne that was installed in the middle of the room while General Zagan and Venelana were sitting beside me, as my ship was in the lead of the other two. Finally, after a long time, I was once again …

Chapter 58 – Preparations

“We would have War Council soon, so be so kind and stop admiring your metal machines that look creepy.” Said Venelana from behind me. “They are not creepy… their design is to maximize their potential in everything they are doing, that is why Arachne Type Arcane Mechanical Automatons were created.” I said that but Venelana didn’t bulge even, and we …

Chapter 57 – Progress of Small Break

Two months went by from the conquest of the complete subjugation of the Ewor subcontinent. Last two months, I have mainly spent surprisingly training and experimenting with magic. I finally trained with the specialized automaton to learn a scythe mastery more, as I sucked at the close combat pretty bad. I have also used Devour on the corpses of the …

Chapter 56 – Aftermath

After the last of the goblinoids were killed, we started slowly cleaning the battlefield. I ordered to collect all corpses on Commander Level, as they would serve as good food for my troublesome familiar. I didn’t bother with lower-leveled corpses, as they would be of no use, for as fast as possible growth of my familiar, I needed corpses of …

Chapter 55 – Never Stopping War (4)

As we were flying around the Eldritch Giant, who was in anger trying to attack us in vain, it was apparent that the Eldritch Giant looked troubled and pretty pissed off. He couldn’t defeat either of us, as we were pretty good at dodging his attacks, and we were also constantly restraining him so that he couldn’t command the goblinoid …

Chapter 54 – Never Stopping War (3)

Now all General Level Monsters were being occupied; the primary fight was between the two sides’ soldiers. Slowly, corpses of goblinoids were gathering faster than devils, thanks to devils being individually stronger and geared in the best armor. Fortunately, they didn’t manage to breach the even first defensive wall. Alas, slowly, they would, with wave tactics, destroy several defense layers. …

Chapter 53 – Never Stopping War (2)

This method was employed only in planes where there was an overwhelmingly high population or was ruled by a single Pantheon as the existence of Pantheon’s Dimensional World was a great defensive means. Or the Gods were preparing for an invasion. Now Yestera Plane showed signs of Gods, so this world should already be a proper Grade 8 Plane, where …

Chapter 52 – Never Stopping War (1)

One Day Later, Skull Valley Pass The Skull Valley Pass was a place that divided the entire Ewor Sub-Continent into two parts. Smaller Southern Area and larger Northern Area. While human barbarian tribes inhabited the southern area, the northern area was mainly inhabited by various goblinoid species that were extremely populous. Each year, they attempted to enter the southern area …

Chapter 51 – We March! (2)

From a distance, one could see three big armies numbering hundreds of thousands, followed by heavy artillery in the form of futuristic-looking Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries. Each of these armies had its own direction, as each of them was aiming at different. One was going to the south, another to the southeast, and the last one was going to the …