30 – Spending a Day with Venelana (1)

At the Castle Fuerig After I took the shower, I picked up some new outfit, that was looking almost the same as one before, the difference was that this one was clean. I went to the hall, where Venelana was waiting currently. Truth to be told, my heart skipped a beat a little, when I saw her again. I admitted …

29 – Of Blood and War (4)

Shortly after the meeting of the Blood Lords, deep within Yharnam Citadel, two shadow figures with nothing but crimson eyes visible were looking at each other. “They have decided to intervene in the war.” Stated one of the figures. “Indeed. It is was only a matter of time, before Church and Heaven would have forced them upon this decision. They …

28 – Of Blood and War (3)

Hearing this all Blood Lords present fell into deep thought and were thinking about the possible outcome of their decision. “You can leave, for now, we will decide among ourselves.” Said Blood Lord Alexstrazs Brunestud with a neutral voice as Zekram slowly left the meeting hall. As he exited the meeting place he saw Viktor already waiting there for him. …

27 – Of Blood and War (2)

Holy City of the Pale Blood was truly marvelous. It was created with gothic architecture and gave of gloomy and dreadful feeling to everyone who was not a vampire or kindred and visited it. Zekram visited this place for the first time in his life, as Kindreds were not allowing anybody to lay his eyes upon their Holy City. This …

Chapter 25 – Plans and Visit

Leaving aside my thoughts about meeting Hela and planning how to survive the meeting with her unscathed, I also needed to meet with Takamagahara gods. Fortunately for me, the situation there wasn’t bad, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem. When it came to obtaining more resources, I have also thought about exploring Draconic Deus, but not planet Terra, …

Chapter 26 – Of Blood and War (1)

At the same time with Zekram, Romania. Romania was the ancestral home of the Vampire race after the first generation of the True Ancestors waged war on the Primordial Gods of the Greek Pantheon in ancient times and took it by force. Afterward, the Blood Lords went to deep sleep, never awakening in the past thousands of years. Zekram knew …

Chapter 24 – Cheated by old man

After finishing the meeting, I immaterially called all of my five Generals and gave them my orders. The first one was to double the numbers of my army so that each legion would be consisting of 200,000 soldiers. Meaning altogether 5,2 million. It wasn’t big enough to compare to some more militaristic Houses, but it was a nice number. During …

Chapter 23 – Dimensional Gap of the Astral Boundary

“Dimensional Gap?” I muttered out of loud. “Dimensional Gap is sealed space belonging to the larger one, called Astral Boundary. It isn’t known who sealed it, but not even Beings of Law in these words cannot break and reach the wider space, called Astral Boundary. From what I collected, that sooner or enough, the seal would collapse and Dimensional Gap …

Chapter 22 – End of the Discussion

“On what exactly?” I asked carefully as I continued observing Zekram. “If Original Four perishes in the war, I will support your idea for the new form of government. If they don’t, I will remain neutral in your endeavors and will not help either side.” Stated Zekram slowly. For him, it was won to win in both situations. He wanted …

Chapter 20 – Meeting with Ancestor Bael

During this week, I have spent most of my time in the library, as always. I was studying magic to complete my Tier Magic System, as I called it. Not a very creative name; I was aware of that. Theoretically, I currently have two Tiers completed from the Tier Magic System. One was Zero-Tier, which any Novice Magician could cast, …