Chapter 230 – Plan was Success

Several Hours Later After waiting for several hours, Regalzeva has finally appeared above the orbit of the planet where Hela and I have killed his two underlings. He looked pretty similar to them. He is a seven-meter tall mechanical humanoid with five eyes in total, two on each side and one on his forehead that shines with gold. His body …

Chapter 229 – Killed

Hela and I entered the tunnel and just followed the past set by Rugatimu and Durmado before us. After walking for more than half an hour, we have finally arrived at the underground temple that was located deep within the planet’s inner shell, very close to the planetary core. This temple looked very old, far older than the place where …

Chapter 228 – Targets Found

Andromeda Galaxy, Chthonian Empire 1st Fleet, Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Voidship was a monstrous behemoth that was around 50km in height, 60km in length, and 20km in width. It was actually a monster among Capital Ships, priding with firepower comparable to the Apocalypse-Class Devil. After several centuries, Empire only had 3 such ships because scarce resources and other …

Chapter 227 – Plots and Schemes

“We have got information that two Regalzeva’s Devastator Order members have been seen in the Andromeda Galaxy searching for something, namely his two underlings Durmado and Rugatimu. It means that their master is not far away, and this could be a good opportunity to make some traps and ambush them. We can kill those two at first and subsequently ambush …

Chapter 226 – Progressive Reforms

Several Days Later, Senatorum Imperialis “Now I start the emergency meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis.” Said Grayfia. Currently, more people were attending this meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis; aside from the members and Elders that occasionally participated, there were all High-Ranking members of all Military Branches and all Heads of Noble Houses. “After several centuries of steady development, Chthonian Empire …

Chapter 225 – Situation with Evie and Etoulde

After spending some time with Venelana, I went to find Grayfia, who was now as always attending her duties as High Chancellor. I also needed for Grayfia to call for a meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis, so I could announce new reforms for the Imperialis Militarum and territorial management and nobility of the Empire. Fortunately, Fia’s office wasn’t that far …

Chapter 224 – Reunion

Currently, altogether Chthonian Empire had three Apocalypse-Class powerhouses and more than twenty of those at the Super Devil Class. From 3 Apocalypse-Class, one was me, and the other was Hela; even though she was Mighty Stage God, her combat prowess was unrivaled. Among the Super Devil Class Powerhouses, 5 were of my Family, six if I counted in Zekram. Due …

Chapter 223 – Mlitary Reform

Underworld, Baator, Anor Londo Capital, Imperial Palace – Sanctus Imperialis “It is good to be home.” I said as I entered the Sancus Imperialis, where Custodians already welcomed me under the leadership of Tribunes Belial and Phenex. “Father, welcome home.” Greeted me Sirzechs, whom I have noticed has got a lot stronger during past centuries, already reaching late stages of …

Chapter 222 – Benefits From Return

“Dammed hell… my head hurts.” I opened my eyes as I cursed everything around as my head hurt more than being kicked by Golden Horden Abyssal King Fiend. When I looked around, I realized that I wasn’t in my room, but in an unfamiliar environment, but I quickly recognized it as Pope’s Bedroom… which meant. “F***.” I cursed when I …

Chapter 221 – Departing Drink

But that was good; slowly but steadily, Spirit Hall has taken over every major Kingdom and Principality, while it started even obtaining loyalty from the prominent Generals of the Heaven Dou Empire and even some Clans from the Heaven Dou Empire. During these years, the news that the Clear Sky Clan has been wiped out has shaken the entire continent, …