Log 01A: Entry

Nick delicately placed the cup of coffee on the table in front of us. “Prepared step-by-step, with every step triple-checked to perfection,” he said. “Just the way you described your perfect drink.” The only reaction I could give my companion was a laugh. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity, awaiting an explanation. “You could’ve just gotten a regular coffee at …

Log 0X: Academy Days

Welcome, dear reader, to Phenomenon: Academy Days. If you haven’t yet, please watch the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvD1EMtTwN0&feature=youtu.be It’s been a journey. I’ve worked on this series for two full years! I would best describe this as a sci-fi fantasy drama/adventure/military/light novel-inspired story, but I most prefer stating it doesn’t belong in any particular genre. Every three chapters creates a single short …