Quiet Room, Hero HQ, 6:49 AM.Friday, February 25th, 2022. Loren sat up and studied the room for a moment—he was alone. The digital clock showed that this was the first time he had ever made it to Friday, and it was an entirely strange feeling. He’d spent the last month knowing just about everything that would happen, but what about …
Chapter 46
Hero HQ, Setalite City, 4:12 PM.Thursday, February 24th, 2022. Artisan was currently outlining how he went about disabling the bombs to Wraith, and Loren already knew that it was going to end up with an even longer code phrase that he needed to remember. Something had been bothering him for a while now, but he hadn’t been able to put …
Chapter 45
Hero HQ, Setalite City, 3:45 PM.Thursday, February 24th, 2022. Loren was dragged out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening. A figure leaned against the door frame for a moment; Short grey dyed hair, styled to be slightly longer on one side. The features he could see under the half mask didn’t really clear up the gender …
Chapter 44
Loren’s Apartment, Setalite City, 6:32 AM.Thursday, February 24th, 2022. “So the bomb inside Paragon is disabled?” Loren wondered, rubbing at his face tiredly. He placed the phone on speaker and set about making coffee. “Yes,” Alana replied simply. “The remote we found on Naomi’s body had a very simple software design, and I have been able to modify it. For …
Chapter 43
Evergold Festival, Setalite City, 7:49PM.Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022. Loren made no move to approach the seemingly still body of his opponent. People seemed to make that kind of mistake like clockwork in movies, and he was feeling a growing sense of panic the longer he watched her. He fished out the last of the remaining marbles in his pocket and …
Chapter 42
Evergold Festival, Setalite City, 7:33PM.Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022. “There’s a lot of people here,” Loren said quietly, moving past the stalls that had popped up on the main stretch. “Do we even know she’ll be able to find me amidst all of this?” The earpiece he’d been given by Wraith earlier clicked once. “Naomi Low has shown an exceptional ability …
Chapter 41
Loren’s Apartment, 2:22 AM.Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022. Loren’s eyes snapped open, and he stared up at the lightbulb as it flickered in the dark. He listened as Emma cried out above him, and a little sprinkle of dust fell from the cracks in the roof, causing him to blink and rub at his eyes. A small tingle caused him to …
Chapter 40
Rooftops, Lorens Apartment, 11:17 PM.Wednesday, February 22nd, 2022. “How do we even go about finding her if she can look like anyone?” Loren said quietly. “Everybody she switches to takes on the distinctive red iris.” Alana said simply, “That is the only indication of her identity that we have available at present.” “What’s stopping her from changing the color of …
Chapter 39
Iza Gracen’s Apartment, 8:17 AM.Wednesday, February 22nd, 2022. The sirens had arrived at the building minutes ago, and Loren was stuck inside waiting for them to leave. “F*** me,” Iza said weakly, shaking her head. “So if I was still here tomorrow, I’d be digging myself out of the rubble?” “Yeah,” Loren said warily, peeking out of the window at …
Chapter 38
Loren’s Apartment, 7:43 AM.Wednesday, February 22nd, 2022. Loren sat at the top of the stairs, watching the hallway and steadily losing focus as time passed him by. The early morning atmosphere had always carried with it an indescribable feeling of awe for him. The cool, crisp air, the pervasive silence, and the complete lack of people always helped bring him …