Chapter 6: The Educated Youth Who Abandoned His Wife And Son 6

Team Leader Lin’s daughter and the educated youth courtyard’s Yan Chu became a couple. This matter had grown wings and generally spread widely throughout the village. Lin Guangguo, this father, on the contrary, was the last of the people who knew. “Your third uncle and third aunt will be coming back tomorrow, let Yan Chu come home for dinner.” Upon …

Chapter 5: The Educated Youth Who Abandoned His Wife And Son 5

“Educated Youth Lin’s height is truly high.” “What’s the use of height? I think Educated Youth Jiang is better, his body is strong and doesn’t delay the work at all.” A group of young village girls, while doing*24doing*from 干 [gàn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) manual labor, inconspicuously sized the educated youths up who worked …

Chapter 4: The Educated Youth Who Abandoned His Wife And Son 4

“Yan Xun, your package.” In the commune farm in Gansu Province, a group of 40 to 50 years old men was carrying a shovel to clean the feces in the pigsty. On a big cold day, the exhaled air seemed to form ice dregs. The exposed hands froze in red, and from many of the gaping cuts could be seen …

Chapter 3: The Educated Youth Who Abandoned His Wife And Son 3

After Lin Dingding left, Yan Chu drank his medicine she brewed. He was lying down on the Kang79Kanga heatable brick bed and closed his eyes to rest, incidentally thinking about the way to finish his two missions. The protagonist of the main mission stayed by his side, so he did not think about it for the time being. The one …

Chapter 2: The Educated Youth Who Abandoned His Wife And Son 2

Yan Chu still did not know what he should do to make the young girl feel happy. After all, in his previous life, his closest contact with the opposite sex was his mother. There was no way he could take Lin Dingding the same as his mother, right? He was frowned, putting on his coat on the side, and getting …

Chapter 1: The Educated Youth who Abandoned His Wife and Son 1

“Team Leader and I asked for your leave, Yan Chu. You won’t be working today. You should go to the health station at the entrance of the village to get some medicine. The kettle has hot water. You should drink more.” In a slightly dilapidated mud house, laid a handsome but awkward youth, covered with a thick quilt and an …