Chapter 47: 6 years later… (END)

Six years later… [My God! We finally get to talk again after five whole years since we finished High school, Leon! How are you doing?!] While I was watching over some documents on top of a wooden office, I suddenly got an unknown call, only to hear some dude’s excited voice. “… Who are you?” [S- I’m Simon, dude… At …

Chapter 46: Asking for her Hand

The next day, Alice, Darius, Alice’s mother, and I were all sitting down at a table with tea in front of us, a ridiculous pressure making even a fly from the garden be audible. There was no Christmas tree as things had been too chaotic to even think about the holidays, while the new year was the next day, but …

Chapter 45: The Devil and the Witch

Back inside the courtyard of the rundown house covered in snow, my uncle was now hammering a bright red piece of metal. However, unlike all this time, it wasn’t a sword, a chest plate; it wasn’t even a weapon or a piece of armor… but one solid, golden cross. It had around 5 cm in length and with sturdy edges. …

Chapter 44: Reconciliations

Unable to help but relate to my father, Darius evaded eye contact and clenched his fists while saying, “Maybe you… maybe you’re a bit too hard on him.” Darius smiled helplessly and I simply shook my head calmly, “Say what you may, Darius… But to me, Lucian Roil has been a disappointment.” “…” He breathed in and as he opened …

Chapter 43: Aftereffects

-CLANG! CLANG! CLANG!- Noises of metal hitting metal resounded from behind a run-down house, built in a run-down neighborhood, together with white smoke rising in the air from the back of the white courtyard filled with snow.It was slowly snowing outside with no wind while the gray sky shone with a dim light. A month has passed since then and …

Chapter 42: The Blacksmith’s acceptance and the Officer’s Negation

“L-Leon… Please…” “Stay there, Leon.” Seeing me, Alice looked my way with begging eyes and I quickly wanted to reach for her, only to be stopped by my father’s crude voice. He glanced at me and his killing intent made me freeze for a moment. I then stared back, my eyes burning as I took step after step, a type …

Chapter 41: Comeback and chase

These fuckers… I gritted my teeth then after hearing him put the phone down, I quickly distanced myself from the door and silently rushed towards the exit. “Brat, what took you so long?” At the entrance, my uncle waited for me in a taxi and opened the door for me to enter while berating me annoyed. I quickly got on …

Chapter 40: The escape

“How you doing, kid?” The next day my uncle visited in the morning and asked with an amused smile. Seeing him like this, I couldn’t help but find this ridiculous predicament I was in just as ridiculous, feeling like smiling mockingly and answering back, “Like s***, what do you expect?” “Well, you do look like s***.” One eye-patched while the …

Chapter 39: Enemies on all sides

After confessing everything and have my injuries treated, around 2 whole hours passed and the policemen tried to think what to do with me, having me stay for the night in the cell. “Why? Why is he arrested?! He simply defended himself! And he protected me!” Alice cried desperately at some cops while trembling confused, everything that happened having too …

Chapter 38: The cornered spirit and the trapped Mind

“I’m just a blacksmith. I only fight if I’m forced to. What makes you think I’m a danger to your gang?” “Because you’re a Roil. On him!” “You’re ridiculous!” He shouted while rushing towards me and I tried to quickly get up while raising my guard. S***! My arm! Just now I observed that I was unable to fully bend …