Chapter 13 | Greater Worcester Besieged – Part 1

▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Now that would explain the “War of the Worlds” reference Thomas had made. I could only scowl. It took me only a split second to process the fact that what Thomas meant was akin to an invasion. From where though? I knew it didn’t matter to me right now. However, the fact they were likely hostile in nature only …

Chapter 12 | Alex

Shrewsbury, twenty minutes before the rifts opened. “Okay… But what the hell do you mean get ourselves killed?” I yelled out through the phone. “What’s going to kill us!?” After a slight pause on the other line, I heard my younger brother, Thomas responded, “Think of War of the Worlds, Alex.” he curtly replied. “As of right now, there is …

Chapter 11 | Rude Awakening

One of the last things I heard as I fell asleep however puzzled my wandering mind. “Washington D.C. has gone dark, I repeat, the Capitol has gone dark!” Darkness. With no idea where I was, how I got there, my dreamscape began to brighten, albeit gently. It was dark, and I was walking home to my apartment back near Cambridge. …

Chapter 10 | Riverside Station

Riverside Station After a few moments, our own group silently glanced at each other. Breaking the silence, I smiled and shattered the tension, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sure grateful to still be alive.” in response, our small group laughed, and a small moment was shared between the lot of us. After today’s events, and the short …

Chapter 9 | The Aftermath

The Aftermath Now, that was quite eventful. I thought. With Kevin’s condition stabilizing, I glanced up the on-ramp back to where the Stryker’s had been fighting the horde of demons. To my horror however, the Stryker’s had begun to pull back, retreating across the bridge that spanned the Turnpike. This left the Horde behind, and without the Stryker’s to contend …

Chapter 8 | The Battle of washington bridge

The Battle of Washington Bridge I nodded. “Thank you Rachel.” I told her. “Anyone have any complaints against stopping at the Riverside Station?” I asked. Both Kevin and Jackson shook their heads. “Alright then, to Riverside Station it is!” I announced to our small group. As we got closer to the growing crowd around the National Guard platoon, the crowd …

Chapter 7 | To the turnpike

To the Turnpike Along with the retreating F-22’s, our group also began to continue making our way down Mt. Auburn Street. Our immediate goal was to make our way down the Massachusetts Turnpike. From there it would be a straight shot to Shrewsbury. The Turnpike was notoriously crowded, however, so my only worry would be the attention the area might …

Chapter 6 | The Invasion begins

The Invasion Begins Despite my own breathless state, I had, at the very least, the presence of mind to glance around myself, searching for my companions, and of course, I suppose I might include Jackson. At this point, it would look as though my neighbor has officially joined our camaraderie of weirdos, apparently tasked with saving humanity. My eyes opened …

Chapter 5 | The Meaning of Genesis & The round table

The Meaning of Genesis & The Round Table The F-22’s that had literally just flown above our heads had just fired a missile straight at the Rift that now appeared to be double the size of a football field over the skyline of Boston. “What in the hell..!” Kevin exclaimed. “They actually fired a missile at the Rift!” We watched …

Chapter 4 | Escape

Escape … I was going to need to transform myself from the gawky nerd I was, into some semblance of a leader. This was going to be one hell of a ride. The three of us quickly walked out of my apartment front door and into the hallway. I was on the third, and highest floor of the building, and …