Chapter 17 – Awakening

Flying straight-ahead with jet-like invoking speed, a human figured who was covered with dark light and oozing with death-like pressure sped past the vast land that was overgrown with life, over the mountains, and finally through the dark depths of the verdant forest. Meanwhile, beneath the sky. A deer was carefully foraging for food when its ears twitched, then raised …

Chapter 16 – Oblivion

After cleansing the chaotic energy out from the world, repairing the wounded space, and stabilizing the crumbling world, the mighty and majestic roots, that came out from Hei Long’s back, started to slip away from the cracks of the sky and the ravaging whirlpool of the sea. Swooshing and swishing sound whistled out from his back, as the giant roots …

Chapter 15 – Sprout

With two different flames in hand, the little boy thought that since Hei Long still looked spellbound and preoccupied, why don’t he merge the two objects for the meantime, and give it to him after everything’s done. He was sure Hei Long would accept it without much resistance if he’d do it without him knowing. He looked, and weighted the …

Chapter 14 – Kindness

Hei Long was baffled by the complex language used by the ancient being. “What exactly do you mean by that? Can’t you just say it right away who you are?”“Knowing who I am isn’t important.” The ancient being shook his head, then he pointed at Hei Long. “Let me ask you the right question, do you really know who you …

Chapter 13 – Offer

Seeing the mysterious golden fire flickering about from time to time, Hei Long could feel the power hidden within that flickering light, but Hei Long wasn’t stupid enough to not know that it was beyond precious. Just by the aura it emitted, even the dumbest person in the world would know and recognize, after seeing it first hand, that it …

Chapter 12 – Family

Feeling the warm and gentle hand ruffling the top of his head, the boy closed his eyes with pure bliss present on his face. “He-he.” He gave out an angelic laughter, smiled, and shook his head while his wing flapped back and forth. Anyone could see how happy the boy was when Hei Long ruffled his hair to a mess …

Chapter 11 – One Winged Angel

The restless churning of the water made him feel lonely and sad. And although the restriction around his body was gone, he wasn’t really that happy after having the thought of being with himself in this vast unknown place with no one but him to rely on. He drew his feet close to him, and sank into the silence of …

Chapter 10 – Transformation

Floating in the middle of his consciousness with eyes closed tightly, Hei Long could vaguely hear the churning of gentle water current around him, drifting him everywhere it wants. Water? he thought. Where am I? What am I doing here? Water bubbles went plop, plop as they burst apart as they touched him, turning into smaller ones and moving up …

Chapter 9 – Unsealing

Lying on the ground, Hei Long curled up, as he firmly grasped his head trying his best to suppress the painful memories, that he had already long sealed into the deepest depths of his mind, from coming back to him, bringing him more pain and sufferings. Memories that reminded him of who he was before, and the memories, that forcefully …

Chapter 8 – Curse

Enraged by the feisty little beast—that had come to rescue the already injured nymph-like creature who was covered with a sturdy, green armor from head to toe, and was curled up, lying on the ground—Hei Long tried his hardest to resist the burning urge to destroy, and to kill whatever he could see in the world around him. Gasping for …