Vol. 1: Chapter 52: Amelia’s Outburst

“Zachariel!” Amelia ran over to him. “Amelia.” Zachariel turned to look at her. Amelia saw Lia chatting with Luiz and the others. She stopped in her tracks. “You!” Lia was interrupted by Amelia’s shout. She looked at Amelia and was scared. “What are you trying to do?” Lia immediately pulled near Zachariel. However, Amelia rushed at Lia. “I told you …

Vol. 1: Chapter 51: The Magic Tower

Everyone saw Instructor Rufus’s shocked expression. They looked in the same direction he was facing at and they were shocked too. “I-isn’t that… Zachariel?” Luiz’s voice quavered. Zachariel demonic appearance frightened them. Only his black and white hair and his red eyes could be seen. The rest of his body was covered in dark mana essence, including his polearm. His …

Vol. 1: Chapter 50: The Second Round, Part 2

A few more matches occurred, and finally, it was Teddy’s turn. “Next match, Teddy Brix vs. John Woal!” Instructor Rufus announced. “Go for it, Teddy!” It was Luiz and Luka’s turn to cheer up for him. Teddy smiled back at them and nodded. He carried a sword and went up to the platform. His short yellow-dried hair that waved backward …

Vol. 1: Chapter 49: The Second Round, Part 1

“Go for it, Luiz!” Luka and Teddy cheered. Luiz and Vargas faced off at the platform. They both carried the same weapons from the first round. Vargas’s height and bulkiness overwhelmed Luiz. The latter’s brown eyes fiercely looked at Vargas. `Damn it, how do I get around this guy?` Luiz didn’t feel confident facing Vargas at all. Although he blocked …

Vol. 1: Chapter 48: Start of the Second Round

Zachariel abruptly opened his eyes and rolled on the floor. ‘Bang!’ “Ouch!” His head bumped on the sides of his bed. `Damn it!` He scratched it to soothe the pain. `What kind of crazy woman was that?` Her shrill voice could haunt him for ages, and the dark mist that enshrouded her, along with the wraiths that were stuck underneath, …

Vol. 1: Chapter 47: Qi Essence Cultivation

Imperium Palace. Emperor Marcus sat on his golden throne. There were many intricate designs carved into it, in which the figure of a sword could be seen in the middle, and some other figures of demon beasts like a dragon, a wolf, and a bear on the sides. Emperor Marcus narrowly looked at the black figure kneeling below the throne. …

Vol. 1: Chapter 45: Confrontation

 “Zachariel, see you in class tomorrow!” Luiz waved goodbye and went together with Luka and Teddy. “Okay, see you.” Zachariel waved back at them but it looked stiff and awkward when the others saw it.  Luiz and the other two held the awkwardness inside. The rest also bade goodbye to him. “Zachariel, I’ll be going with Iria today. Goodbye! Have …

Vol. 1: Chapter 46: Primal Grade

Zachariel narrowed his eyes as she looked at Diega. `Why is she smiling? Don’t tell me…` He secretly glanced at the guard who shouted at him earlier. The guard glanced alternately between Zachariel and Diega. His widened eyes had a hint of anxiety that caught Zachariel’s attention. `I see, so that’s how it is.` He closed his eyes and tried …

Vol. 1: Chapter 44: Sorting Out His Memories

Zachariel was frightened about the blinding flash of light. He opened his eyes and abruptly raised his body. His widened eyes had a tinge of fear behind it. `What the hell was that? Why do I feel like I would die if I didn’t wake up in that last part of my dream?` He was drenched in a cold sweat. …

Vol. 1: Chapter 43: Where Am I?

“I’m sure that’s not everything, right?” Maverick felt that Matthias’s plan was lacking. “I will need the Mercenary guild to protect the Strom household as well,” Matthias replied. “To protect them from being capture?” Maverick guessed the reason behind it. “Yes, we need to wait for Prince Kane to set the stage before the Emperor declares war on us. This …