Chapter 154: Crash

“Now that our bellies are full we can take you on a ride along to see what the ‘normal’ afternoon patrol is like,” said Arron. Since they were given orders to not go to any of the hot sectors or zones they were forced to go to the less active business district of Sector 8 which did not have many …

Chapter 153: Lights, Cameras, Action!

“You did a good job yesterday. There were no important complaints sent to me. Your task for today will be similar but this time the Office of Reason wants you to keep a closer watch on the director of the movie set as there have been rumors that he is being funded by a large gang to make this movie. …

Chapter 152: Babysitting Director Plaiboe

“Now that we’ve finished investigating all the tips yesterday, what’s next on the chopping block?” asked Arron as he watched the passing buildings zoom in and out of his view. Chewy sat on the floor ignoring everything as she munched on a thick piece of parasteel. “Not the usual patrol… for some reason, there are several mega-corps and civilian groups …

Chapter 151: Invisibles

Sector 8, zone 2. Over the next week checkpoints were set up randomly every other day. The randomness allowed for a large number of troubled suspects, gang members, and people of interest to be normalized or taken in for questioning. As Arron finished inspecting a hover-van he reconnected it to the traffic control system and waved it off allowing the …

Chapter 150: Checkpoint

With the unprecedented rise of killings between the families and multiple gangs, as well as the internal fighting between different gangs, Mother and Father had decided to set up extra checkpoints inside each zone that were reporting high activity in the gang wars. Since these checkpoints were in the most dangerous areas of the first level of the mega-city M1 …

Chapter 149: Stakeout

“Listen guys! I told you already I don’t have any credits to give you until next month!” said a nervous man who was wearing grubby factory worker clothes. He took several steps backward stepping onto a bridge as the two muscular grunts in front of him advanced forward several more steps. “We have come to collect your debt,” said Grunt …

Chapter 148: Ear Cleaning and Other Services

Sector 5, zone 2. Sister Mobs ear cleaning & other services. Inside a small private room, one of several 100 similar rooms on this floor, there were only two people, a Man and a female dressed as a nurse with the hand-drawn name tag: [Nagg]. The room was rather spartan, having little other than a plush reclining hover chair that …

Chapter 147: Specialty food

Sector 11 zone 3. Night time. In this sector, there was a well-to-do area where there were far fewer holovid ads plastered all over the buildings. Among the many large buildings of this sector, there was a plain but clean large building that blended in with the rest of the nearby buildings having no other identifying features to stand out …

Chapter 146: Two is good. Less Than Lethal.

Sector 2, zone 1 highway. With their hasty escape, the bikers split into two groups. The smaller of the two groups was able to evade pursuit and escape while the larger group which had around 70 bikers headed to the highway intent on causing as much mayhem as they could where they went. High in the sky there were already …

Chapter 145: Bwoo

Vroom! Vroom! The sound of at least 100 small hover-bike engines echoed off the walls as they raced down the tight streets taking up the entire space. Some of the hover-bikes were even driving on the sidewalks causing the civilians who were walking to have to dive out of the way of the large group. On each of the hover-bikes …