Worlds Adrift Chapter 74

Floating. She felt it all around her. Floating. The world of guns and blades, of blood and iron, of fanatics and slaughter and ignorance faded as her conscious mind slipped away. She felt it waiting for her as she fell into slumber. Floating. It was all around her, enveloping her like armor, and pulsing with life. It looked all around …

Worlds Adrift Side Chapter- Growth 2

A group of elves, 7 in total, sat in the large central room of Johnny’s body, each gaping at what they were just told, “““““WHAT!?”””” five of them  cried in unison. “That’s what we said!” Serene responded, amusement showing on her face as Clamor nodded. The other five sitting there were Gina, the representative of the butchers, Jamis, the representative …

Worlds Adrift Side Chapter- Growth 1

Running through the forest, Serene loosed an arrow at the bush to her right. A muffled cry responded, joining the scene of a five foot tall wolf tumbling out of the bush and down a ridge. As the wolf tumbled Serene heard numerous other growls from behind her, followed by rustling bushes and breaking winds. Without turning around, she leaped …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 73

On instinct, Mary sidestepped the thrust and swung her mace in the path of the crusader’s face. The mace met air as it flew over the crusader’s head and Mary was set off balance. She regained her footing just as the sword of the crusader was cutting at her. Crouching, she let the blade swing over her head as she …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 72

The boat rocked as a thunderous boom blasted across the water. In less than a second, the slug reached the mana shield of the boat and dug into the concentrated mana. The shield did not last long, however, as the shield broke almost immediately under the force of the bullet. Tearing shield and metal the bullet tore a hole through …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 71

Guess what? Surprise second chapter! Don’t expect this, by the way, yesterday was my attempt at a double chapter day, but things happened and I had a very important message to say, so I couldn’t say it then. Anyway, enjoy! *=====* Mary walked through the alleys that ran through the slums. Wearing a black trench coat, heavy pants, boots, and …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 70

“Hey, you guys, Gus wants to see you,” Valerax called through the door. Kain, Ythane, and Luna all took a moment to stand up and put what they were doing down. Kain, placing a medium sized book down, replied, “Alright, give us a minute,” he called out in response, “Alright, let’s get everything in the amulet before we leave,” he …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 69

If anyone has serious problems with fantasy racism, then skip the ending part of this chapter, the part after the third (*=====*). Obviously it’s there for a reason, but this is just a trigger warning. Thanks. *=====* “Okay,” Mary said as she placed the bolt onto the bench, “Now that we’re done with that, we can move on to figuring …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 68

“Are you sure that’s what happened?” Mary asked as she dropped the duffle bag onto the bench she had in her apartment, “That my decision to trust D was influenced by you? I never pegged you for the trusting type; especially so from what you said about your upbringing.” Abe mentally nodded along with her as she spoke and she …

Worlds Adrift Chapter 67

The door creaked open with whining hinges, sending an eerie squeaking sound ringing through the seedy bar Mary peered into. Thugs, bandits, and shady peddlers filled the medium sized main bar room, and all of their heads turned to her as the squeaking door revealed the newest arrival. Some glared at her with annoyance. Some slowly reached for their weapons. …