Chapter: 12

Ank [“Welcome!”], the message popped before my sister and I, framed by a green screen. A new day, and once we were closer to the [Glyptodons]’ nest this time, our mission started soon: as soon as the sun rose, my sister and went after the damage sponges again. Respectively, my sister and I started at the [level: 23], and dealing 30% more …

Chapter: 11

Ank Laying, beaten, on the damp ground beneath the roots of a large tree, almost nostalgically, my sister and I displayed bruises, and cuts throughout our entire bodies, lost nails, broken teeth, and even worse; I had dislodged my right shoulder, and even after putting it back in its place, the limb was swollen, while Hunah had one of her …

Chapter: 10

Ank We ended up so tired the other day, that we needed to take a rest, else we would be risking getting some exhaustion debuff. It was only time to re-start our journey through the 2nd layer of the jungle after cleaning ourselves from the mud, blood and sweat in a close stream, chew on the remaining gums that Taffy gave us; because there …

Chapter: 9

Ank The second layer of the jungle. Starting at 20 KM from Taffy’s house, and ending 40 KM away from it, it took half a day to reach the place, so we couldn’t just go back whenever we got beaten anymore, and monsters there were, supposedly, way stronger, pushed away by the retired adventurer’s aura. “That’s kinda tasty, though” Hunah …

Chapter: 8

Ank “And that’s what happened”, embarrassed, I finished explaining how we won against the horde of insects… and why we came back to that house, each with only a single [HP] left. “Oh, my!”, the older woman said, not surprised at all, but excited by the story. Finishing healing me, she closed her fists, shaking from head to toe, and …

Chapter: 7

Ank Once again with an improvised bag full of food, water, and a few useful things, my sister and I parted from the retired adventurer’s house. This time, however, I did put our intentions forward: “Thank you for taking care of us until now. But, we will be going. We want to reach an Adventurer’s Guild building, enlist, and get …

Chapter: 6

Ank After an amazing healing from Taffy, my sister and I were back at 100%, and after saying a proper “thank you”, and a long talk about our classes (that woman got too easily excited about anything related…), we dashed straight to the guest room we were standing in. We talked with the older [Healer] mostly about our levels up. …

Chapter: 5

Ank Mouth shut so we wouldn’t give up ourselves or our potential numbers immediately, my sister and I jumped with our weapons in hand ran straight towards our enemies: [Species: Chullachaki level: 5 HP: 15/15] The closest of the short humanoid creatures; grayish brown little men with furry hoofed legs, no taller than 70 centimeters; turned around, only when I …

Chapter: 4

Ank For the level up, we received each 10 points. After a few tips from the older woman, my sister and I decided to follow a more balanced build (named “Foam of the Sea”); we put 50% of our points into our main [Attribute], 40% in the two next more important [Attributes], and the rest was invested in the last …

Chapter: 3

Ank “So? Did our little adventurers had fun?”, the [Healer] asked, as she touched my back and emanated a soothing light that filled my HP bar again. She even managed to make lost limbs grown back. Anyway, I exchanged a glance with my already healed sister, before replying: “We… We were just trying to hunt something. As a thank you …