Ank We passed the day in the woman’s house, and though still a little skeptical, we accepted her treating, and we had dinner, took a bath, and went to sleep back in the room she offered us. However, we made sure to wake up before the woman, transform the blanket she gave us in an improvised bag, fill it with food …
Chapter: 1
Ank “Broken bones, flayed skin, eyes removed, and more. You two had it rough, hm?”, said the smiling human woman; who shouldn’t be more than 30 years old, eyes always closed, brown hair and delicate features. She finished her kitchen work, putting down an especially shinny and sharp knife before offering two vacant chairs and a pair of cups filled with some weird black …
Ank It was so sudden: in one moment we were all a happy family living a simple but happy life in a distant desert village. In another, there was only hell. “AAARGH!”, I screamed as loud as I could as the [High Priest]s knife made its way just over my muscles, carefully and slowly skinning me. The old man in …