Chapter 4: The Reckoning

Falling through the sky. The only thing that kept going through my mind was Fenris. Did I fail him? No… If I did, he would be dead by day’s end. Before I hit the ground, I could hear everyone who stood around scream, surprised by the sudden appearance of a falling child. However, I never met the floor. Instead, I …

Chapter 3: The Storm

Disclaimer: If the previous child abuse was a bit too much to handle, take care while diving into this chapter. All I can say, it gets better from here for our little one. Before I realized what had happened, grandmother had come into the room followed by two sisters. The only thing that broke me away from my painting was …

Chapter 2: The calm before the…

The next morning, I still laid on the cold floor where the sisters had left me the previous night. Next to me laid bandages I had to place on myself, along with a pouch full of coins and a list of errands to run. This was just another part of the punishment, along with no meal for my empty stomach. …

Chapter 1: Where it began…

At first, I did not understand what I was meant to do. I wondered why I was alive. Why did I have to live after what happened? So many had died… So why was I still here? Before my fateful encounter with him. My life was simple. Why did he have to teach me how to feel? Why did he …