Chapter 10 – Nobles

This night was destined to be a restless one for Karim. Pacing back and forth in his room, he tried to make sense of everything he’d been told by his grandfather. However, sometimes facts could truly be stranger than fiction as believing was proving to be quite the challenge. The concept of spirit beasts as livestock and of the Hayawani …

Chapter 9 – A Noble’s Duty

“Karim.” Korina called out, smiling. The two were having their usual lunch, this time in the garden, a tradition she thought best to continue since it would not be long now before her son left for the Academy. “Hmm…” responded Karim, reading a book he had found in the castle library about spirit beasts, he was particularly interested in the …

Chapter 8 – A theory

Four years ago “What just happened?” Shocked beyond belief Karim who was in the middle of a run quickly stopped, looking at his body in bewilderment. Just a minute ago he was on the verge of giving up, his joints were crying out in pain and his mind fading on the brink of passing out however, Lark had taught him …

Chapter 7 – Complicated

“Looks like you’ve been training hard.” Said Lark, standing before a sweaty Karim. “The same as always.” Replied Karim grabbing a nearby towel to wipe himself with. Rolling his eyes Lark made himself at home, finding a comfy chair to sit on and kicking his feet up. “You’ve been here about a week, what have you been up to?” asked …

Chapter 6 – Guilt

One week later In the training chamber within Karim’s room, the metallic clangs of iron being moved rang out. The sound was originating from Karim dead lifting four hundred kilograms, dropping the bar and repeating this sequence of motions over and over again. He remained in this state until eventually he tired out, his knees buckling from the pressure of …

Chapter 5 – The Return

As soon as they entered the castle, the noise from outside was completely isolated. Looking around Karim found the castle unfamiliar. The carpets were now milky white, no longer the maroon he remembered. The gigantic chandeliers he remembered that lined the hallways ten feet apart, now appeared smaller and not as bright as he remembered. These sights only stood to …

Chapter 4 – Homecoming

“They’ll be here any minute, is everything ready?” asked Korina, shuffling back and forth what would be Karim’s new quarters, making sure everything is as it should be. “The room as well as everything else is prepared, Madam.” Replied the head Maid, Salma, standing at attention, two feet behind the slightly agitated Korina. Although she referred to it as a …

Chapter 3 – A Student, a Teacher

8 years ago “Karim, it’s time for your lesson.” Shouted a tall, middle aged man with crisp black hair, the shadow of a beard on his face, striking brown eyes and a body that looked like he’d picked up a heavy object and repeated the action an inestimable number of times. In short, he looked strong, and all those that …

Chapter 2 – And so it turns

“This week’s been like every other week.” Said Karim, picking up his napkin and spreading it on his lap. “I see.” Hearing the usual reply Korina faked a smile and waved her hand, signaling Sherry to serve the meal. Familiar with Korina’s mannerisms, Karim decided to say a few more words. He smiled, saying faintly, “I’m fine, really. You don’t …

Chapter 1 – He who is touched by fate

“Karim, you said you wouldn’t practice today.” protested a young boy who looked about thirteen. He had ruby red eyes, curly red hair, brown skin and was dressed in luxurious red and gold robes. Seeing that he got no reply, the boy’s face scrunched up, his slightly chubby cheeks and angry but cute gaze combined to make him seem very …