Chapter 50: Casual child abuse

After finishing up with Emily, Eel turned around and began to walk up to the counter. Compared to the {Shanta City Adventurers Guild} this one was obviously tiny with only one counter to do everything. There were a few more staff running about but usually that wouldn’t be the case – everyone that was available was dragged in due to …

Little Black Cat Bonus Chapter

Just a little something extra for those of you who may enjoy it, for those that won’t… Well okay I guess? It’s free for all and involves a certain figure enjoying herself while doing what she does best; scheme. Anyway, enjoy~♥

Chapter 49: The adventurer prince is back at it

“So you want to do this goblin one?” <Emily> “Yea~ bit funny we’re going to be hunting down some goblins on our way to the goblin country fufufu~! Then again we’ve killed plenty of humans inside a human country so I suppose it’s a question of which race is more nearsighted by matters that involve their race and others… I …

Chapter 48: Meeting her Hero

Eel & Emily decided to leave the obligatory stuff – such as informing the Guild of the attack, village being a bandit nest and also resupplying – while they would do something more important. It could be said that their mission in this village was the most complicated one since it involved doing something only the two of them could do …

Chapter 47: Surprisingly easy~!

The tension in the air was so thick Eel felt like she could likely cut it – she tightly clenched the spear in her right hand while her left hand rested the blade on her shoulder. She couldn’t help but bite her lip softly while hearing a constant beating. This beating was like the drums of war singling the start …

Chapter 46: Turning Point

As everyone on the carriage witnessed what happened (except Tom who was currently repeating the line ‘no place like home’ on repeat while staring at the road ahead) they all had about the exact same reaction; urging Tom to go faster. Soon the three mammalian party members used just about every boosting skill they could upon the poor horse that …

Chapter 45: You could’ve insulted anyone else ex-dude…

Fuka slowly walked towards the bandits – she wasn’t really afraid of any long ranged attacks or the fact they surrounded her. She didn’t even bother trying to charge down one side to break out and this reason was simple as well as obvious. Their weapons simply couldn’t get past her armour. Based on the fact they don’t consider running …

Chapter 44: Awkward Wait

Despite the four girls(+Tom) having reached the obvious conclusion that they were in a village of bandits… They didn’t do much. This of course led to Tom looking around nervously, feeling his shirt sticking to his back due to his cold sweat. He could see movement every now and again even if he was no Eel and he didn’t like …

Chapter 43: Everything is Fine Now

Fuka and Lyada were currently located in this village’s general store – all villages had this type of store. It quite literally had everything the villagers could need and basically acted as a connection to anything not generated in the village itself. Many dealt with direct trading but money was of course always welcomed. They actually didn’t have much reason …

Chapter 42: Fuka Will Finally Be Happy

As the journey continued – this time on the wagon with Tom – it went a lot more peacefully. The 5 people peacefully made their way down the road towards the next village – they still had four more villages before arriving at {Moonlesh Mountain Town}. The plan was to check out the adventurers guild within the 3 villages as …